10-The Girlfriend

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A/N: I 'm super sorry that I haven't been active. I've been under a lot of stress and I think I'm developing and eating disorder, so that's fun. <3, Lily

VERY IMPORTANT-tw // questionable consent, not really sexual scene but still pretty spicy (this did not go the way I thought it would)

Monday was nothing like Phil expected, but Phil hadn't expected to argue with Tyler, especially over a topic that remained unknown to him. He repeatedly called Tyler, eventually crying when his best friend refused to pick up. Phil sunk to the floor, small tears cascading down his cheeks because of confusion and regret. When Monday showed its dreaded face, Phil feared going to school because he didn't know what would happen with Tyler and Dan. Surprisingly, nothing happened.

Tyler acted almost as though everything was normal. Phil waited for Tyler at his locker, like he did every morning, but Tyler never showed up and Phil walked to class alone, sliding into his chair without his usual smile. He didn't expect to see Tyler in the hallways, and when he caught a glance of him laughing, Phil looked down and walked away quickly, taking the long way to the classroom. Phil wanted to talk to Tyler, but he didn't want to make a scene or address him publicly, and it hurt Phil to see Tyler seemingly happy and normal without him. At lunch, both boys sat in their normal seats, but they didn't address each other, turning to the person opposite them. Phil did try to talk to Tyler, whispering his name multiple times, but Tyler never turned around, and Phil remained mostly silent.

Tyler pretended it was normal, but Dan didn't act at all. Phil smiled and waved at him in the hall way, trying to evaluate his emotions, but Dan looked away, unnoticeably clutching his books tighter. When Phil walked past Dan, he expected a smile or a bump or even a rude comment, but Dan simply strutted past him. Altogether, though, the worst part of the entire day occurred when he was almost late to class; Phil was never late to class, but he had been waiting for Tyler, who never stopped at Phil's locker. Phil noticed awkward grunting noises escaping from an open door. Confused, he walked closer, finding Dan aggressively making out with Louise. For a long moment, Phil stared as Dan looked up, almost emotionless as Louise slipped her hand beneath his shirt, revealing a small sliver of beautiful skin. Despite knowing he was intruding on a very private and intimate moment, Phil couldn't pull his eyes away from Dan's face.

Suddenly, Dan's eyes snapped open and his head whipped to the side like a person veering out of the road, trying to avoid hitting a small animal; Phil knew what that looked like because he often found himself in that situation. After a split second of staring into Dan's deep brown eyes, Phil began to feel faint. Without hesitation, very quickly, Phil walked away, lengthening his strides until he was almost running. Once he got to class, only a few seconds before the bell rang, Phil sat in the back of the room, unsmiling.

Phil didn't know why he was so upset about Dan kissing his girlfriend. Shaking his head, Phil tried to focus on the board, but his stomach had sunk. Biting a pencil, he wondered why his mind wouldn't stop replaying the disturbing image he had seen. Phil's noticed his pulse was higher than usual. He pressed a cold, clammy hand to his warm cheek; Phil couldn't be sure if he was red from embarrassment or anger. Goosebumps covered his skin like ripples on water, which was fitting because Phil felt as easily disrupted as water. and the hair on the back of his neck stood up. Confusion filled Phil as he realized how heavily he was breathing. Deep down, Phil knew he was jealous, but he never would have admitted it. Phil was unaware of how much he liked Dan, and he liked Dan a lot. He wanted to hug him and kiss his nose and make him happy and help him become a better person and raise his grades and take him out to dinner and learn all of his secrets and kiss his cheeks and hold his hand and feel his hair. But Dan was straight.

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