Friend or Foe?

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It was already obvious that it would be a bad day since I woke up late, I missed the bus and had to walk the whole way, and not to mention how bad I did in my classes that day.

 Then it was lunch which I thought would be my escape from that HORRIBLE day and gosh was I wrong. 

Turns out since I was being pretty quiet and isolated and Brad wasn't the only person rumors were also flying  but about also me! I was just too depressed to notice. 

The rumors where so bad that at lunch that day my so called "friends" came to the decision to throw me out of the group. Even though they were the people everyone liked doesn't mean they weren't the ones that cared about their reputation above everything else.

 The one who everyone thought was the "leader" was the oldest of all of us and her name was Catherine. She was the one who told me I wasn't allowed to sit with them anymore or even call them friends. I was heartbroken because we had been "friends" ever since primary school. 

There was no other place to sit because everyone else also believed the so called "rumors" and they all denied me to sit with them. I had no choice but to sit alone.

After that I dint pay attention to anything else. I was thinking about how all these days have been plain bad luck. I went home tired, and I isolated myself from everyone else. 

That weekend went just as bad as the last one. 

On Monday though something unexpected happened. I was at lunch under my tree as always avoiding everyone's stares and trying to mute out their voices, when I felt a shadow on me I looked up to see Brad. 

He then asked me if he could sit with me I just nodded. Then I realized how quiet everyone else was. 

When he sat down we just ate in silence and everyone continued talking. 

At the end of that day as I was walking home when I saw Brad walking behind me. I felt a sudden jolt of annoyance as I abruptly stopped and turned around to face him.

What do you want? I said in an impatient voice

He looked at me and sniggered a smirk in face. Oh how I want to clear that smirk with a slap!

I think I have the right to walk to my home. He said almost in an amused way

I then noticed he wasn't following me but going to his home I immediately flushed at the realization of my mistake and regretted my sudden outburst. O-oh, sorry I thought you were following me. I stammered.

"You wish!" He said coldly that smirk never leaving his face.

Well needless to say that REALLY got me mad! Even my so called "friends" knew not to get close to me when i was mad or even MAKE me mad. Well as mad as i was i manged to keep cool and not show any emotion.

And what is that suppose to mean? i said in a casual voice, anger edging my words. I was trying my best to not show any anger or annoyance. 

Brad started laughing like he had just heard the funniest joke ever. i felt extremely uncomfortable and embarrassed.  When he finally calmed down enough to talk he told me in an mischievous look on his face.

"Ill leave you to ponder on that!" his eyes twinkling still from laughter along with a glint of mischievousness. 

Then walked no.. Strutted  by me stopping mid-way. "Hey also by the way i din't catch your name!" I was still shocked by his reaction that i hesitated to talk as i said, "Maria, Maria Salazar."

"Well Maria Salazar it was nice chatting with you." he had said in a teasing voice. Then he left me there standing while i was pondering about what the hell had just happened.


On top Bailee Madison: Maria

haha well i now have i think 14 views so i just want to thank the people who actually stopped  by to read my puny story!

Also i want to thank @jandralee who gave me advice for my writing and also voted on all chapters! If your a big loki fan you should read her story The Ides of July! i LOVE it! im still waiting on that 3rd book.

 oh well im probably wont update in some time since im in Mexico getting my visa and welllll that doesnt always go well a few years ago i got stuck for 6 months and missed 4 of school so yeah.... (≧ω≦) oh well. BYEEE



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