I Ship It

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"Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy," I turn to my nightstand and pick up my shades, "Grab my glasses, I'm out the door; I'm gonna hit this city-"

"Hey, what up girl," I spin around with an opened mouth, but am relieved to just see my best friend, Stiles. "Lets go."

He goes along with my morning singing and I smile.

"Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of jack.
Cause when I leave for the night, I aint coming back." I sing.

"I'm talking pedicure on our toes, toes," Stiles sings along, pointing to his converse clad feet. 

"Trying on all our clothes, clothes." I throw the scattered clothes that are laying on my bed into the air.

"Boys blowing up our phones, phones." I continue, waving my shitty iPhone 4 in the air.

"Drop-topping, playing our favorite Cd's." Stiles attemtps to drop it low, but ends up falling on his butt.

"Rolling up to the parties. Trying to get a little bit tipsy." I body roll before pausing, as does Stiles.

"DON'T STOP MAKE IT POP." We both jump up and down, yelling at each other.

We are about to sing the next verse, but my mom walks in. We both freeze in our positions.

She looks at the both of us before smiling, "Come on, Kesha's. Get to school, you better not be late."

Stiles and I pout, but pick up our backpacks obediently.

"Fine." I mumble and trudge down the stairs gloomily.

"Head up, Lea. School is so much fun." Stiles says seriously as we get into his jeep.

We look at each other before busting out in laughter.

"Yeah, right." I nod.

"Hey, did you hear about what happened to Scott?" I nonchalantly ask Stiles.

"What about Scott?" Stiles questions.

I turn to look at him seriously, "He's a werewolf."

Stiles slams on the brakes and I throw my hand out to stop from smacking into the dashboard.

"Who told you that?" Stiles' eyes widen.

I adjust my hoodie and reply, "I heard you talking to him on the phone two days ago. And yes I know I can't tell anyone, you don't have to give me a lecture."

"Scott is so gonna kill me." Stiles groans, continuing to drive, "And you're not at all scared by this."

I shrug and shake my head, "No. Stiles you're talking to a die hard fan of anything supernatural. This is one of my biggest dreams."

"Yeah, you're right." He nods.

"So how's Derek?" I ask and Stiles pales.

"Derek," he squeaks, "Forget Scott. Derek is gonna kill me."

I smirk. "No, he won't. He likes you too much."

Stiles slams on the brakes for the second time today and I roll my eyes.

"HE WHAT?" Stiles screams.
Its only second period and my brain is about to burst from all the jam packed information I've received. Honestly, I can't even  remember what I wore yesterday, let alone find the circumference of the sun off the top of my head. I don't pride myself in knowing that.

I jump when someone slams their hand on the locker next to mine.

"Whats cookin good lookin?" Stiles smiles and I give him an evil glare.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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