Finally Together

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I ran down the sidewalk as fast as I could. Every turn, every house, brought me closer; closer than I ever imagined possible. A line of cars was passing through the street; I stopped. Car after car made its way by, not one of them stopped to let me pass. I kept jogging in place; I held the piece of paper close to my heart, which felt as if it were beating a million miles per hour. Most of which wasn’t because I was running. I felt a cold bead of sweat trickle down my neck.

I stopped jogging in place, catching my breath as traffic still ignored me. I glared in their direction, throwing my arms in the air in disbelief. Can they not see that I need to be somewhere, too?! The butterflies wouldn’t settle in my stomach, and my hands were shaking from excitement. I looked down at the now half crumpled piece of paper in my hand. The address was still readable, I sighed in relief. It was hastily written; I was trying to write it down as fast as I could earlier, thanking my friend before quickly hanging up. A sudden honk pulled me out of my thoughts. A man in a red sports car waved me to go forward. I smiled big, getting my butterflies back once again; I don’t even think they ever left. I waved thanks to the man and began running as fast as I could. The vibrant colors of fall looked like a blur of oranges and reds as I ran faster; the leaves were crunching loudly beneath my feet.

I followed the directions, never stopping once. My legs were straining to rest; my breaths were coming up short. My lungs felt as if they were about to burst. I couldn’t stop, I wouldn’t. Not when I’m almost there. I started pushing myself to run faster.

Until, I finally made it.

I stopped in front of an unfamiliar house. It was brown with a red roof, there was a black fence leading up the driveway; a stone pathway led to a tall lean door, with strange carvings all over it. I opened the paper, glancing at the description on it. They matched perfectly. I walked up the stone pathway to the door, while still trying to catch my breath from running so much.

I shoved the paper into my back pocket, just then I noticed my hands felt really clammy in the crisp fall air. Why am I so nervous? I rubbed my hands on my black jeans before knocking on the door. My heart starting pounding fast, as if it were about to burst out any second. I wouldn’t be surprised if it did. I looked around nervously shifting my weight from side to side. I hope I have the right house… I knocked on the door, getting impatient. Just then the door finally swung open, revealing the person I couldn’t live without. My heart did a back flip at the sight of him.

“What’s wrong?” He asked, looking at me really worried; probably because I have never been to his house and him never at mine. I smiled a little at him, my stomach in knots.

“Nothing, that’s why I am here,” I said it all too fast, wanting to hear his voice again. He smiled at me warmly. I quickly stumbled into his arms for a tight hug, which he returned. My smile grew wider. I love the way this feels, the way he feels.

 “So what’s the good news if nothing is wrong?” he laughed lightly. I love his laugh. I pulled away slowly, not really wanting to, and put my hands on his chest, I could feel his steady heart beat under my palms. His hands were still on my waist, sending tingles up through my body. I stared into his loving eyes and simply replied;

“I’m yours.”

His heart beat faster under my palms, his lips widened into the smile I grew to love.


That was all he said before moving in close to me, his lips brushed against mine before he kissed me softly. “I miss you.” He pulled me in closer and I melted into his arms. I want him and only him, for the rest of my life. He silenced my thoughts with another one of his breathtaking kisses.

“You have no idea.” I whispered against his lips. He stared into my eyes, pulling me even closer to him. The way he looked at me made my butterflies come back. His lips were slowly making their way back to mine. I eagerly moved in faster kissing him right away. He laughed lightly, his laugh sounding like a song I never wanted to stop playing.

“I think I do.”

Finally TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now