A Hot Heart

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Marcus walks out of his house slamming the door behind him as he did. Marcus wasn't one for bad tempers but today he wasn't sure his mother had just thought him a valuable lesson of not  going out without permission he was not really one for obedience though. His mother had told him that there were dragons in the woods. They lived in a big house far from any civilisation the closest city was thirty-six Miles away. They had always Lived far away from the city. They were used to that life. Marcus cursed and kicked a rock that was on the ground he never liked being shouted at, his father was out chopping wood in the forest so he had no one to defend him. At that moment Marcus ran into the forest which he had just come out from. Marcus ran till his legs started aching but he didn't stop he reached a pool of water and finally stopped. He drank some water and sat on the lushes green grass, he liked the feeling of the grass and the sound of the birds. He didn't understand why his mother disliked the forest so much. His thoughts were interrupted by a loud unruly roar,  Marcus sprung to his feet he looked around his breathing was faster he was nervous a black shadow flew over his head followed by a blinding white colour.


The two dragons crashed into tree they had both been injured badly because of their fight with a bigger larger dragon it had gotten them from behind. The bigger dragon had killed their parents as hatchlings they were both brother the black one's name was Jeremiah and the white one's name was Yousef
Yousef and Jeremiah were born in the same month on the same full moon day.  Jeremiah dragged himself closer to the pool which he had crashed next to,  Yousef  followed "I thought we could take him"  said Yousef "me to" was Jeremiah's reply "well now we know that... we are not ready for this" Yousef said.  Jeremiah stopped drinking the water which he had started drinking "I smell something" he said as he lifted his head out of the water "me too" Yousef said following his brother's action "human" spoke Jeremiah with a low growl.


Marcus pushed his way through the leaves of low hanging trees he was heading in the direction in which he heard the crash and the breaking of trees. Marcus was not one to avoid danger he often went towards it. As he approached the area Marcus's chest started to heat up like it was on fire he ignored the pain and kept on walking before he had made it to the clearing he was lifted up by his shirt "aww... " but before he could finish his sentence he was thrown into the stream that was nearby. Marcus lifted his head out of the water but before he colud get out he was thrown "aww shit! Not again" he exclaimed As he was flung across the stream he landed on the grass on the other side. When he looked up after that harsh landing his eyes were greeted be something terrifying yet majestic, he saw two dragons one a silvery white and another as dark as the night sky both equally grand. Marcus slowly got to his feet, both the dragons were watching him intently as if he was going to attack them "um...  Can you talk?. " he asked as if he was asking a favour "of course you blithering idiot!. " was the white dragon's answer "holy sh.."
"Language human!" Marcus shuts his mouth before completing his sentence. "Why are you here human? " the black dragon questioned Marcus "um this forest is free for anyone to roam" Marcus replies. The dragon gave Marcus a disbelieving look  "ok fine I'll tell you if you don't eat me" 
" I'll think about it"
So Marcus told the dragons his story and in return they told him theirs Marcus still very afraid of the dragons got up " what are your names" he asked the white dragon turned his head to the side in a questioning look "well I guess you gave a right to know... My name is Yousef and my brothers name is Jeremiah we are the smoke and mist dragons of the east unfortunatly our parents were..." Marcus knew what was coming so he decided to change the topic "if you guys are brothers how come he's a different colour from you? " he asked "well dragons don't inherit the colour from their parents we get them when we hatch" said Jeremiah.
"Oh" was Marcus's reply  " you know... " Yousef looked at Marcus with his head tilted slightly to the side "Marcus" Marcus replied.  "You know Marcus you're not a bad human.. .  well better than most I say" Yousef continued.  "Why did you guys throw me?"
"to be honest we were trying to kill you
"Oh" Marcus mouthed. Marcus turned towards the dragons "I have to go home now it's getting late and my mom will be suspecting me. "  . we shall meet you again Marcus Jertipohoff."
The two dragons got up and with one swift move from their wings they lifted off the ground.  After marvelling at their flight Marcus started his way home, the pain in his chest had gotten worse he could barely walk. Marcus grabbed a low hanging branch for support which helped a bit the burning got hotter and hotter by the second Marcus put his hand to his chest but quickly pulled it away he looked at the burn mark on his hand and ripped open his shirt the see what burnt him he was shocked to see black and white scales on his chest and more and more started appearing on his chest.  What was happening to me Marcus fell to the ground he was to weak to walk his body started heating up like he was catching on fire after sometime of feeling what was happening Marcus blacked out. 

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