Underfell Papyrus X Guara

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   ( Much shippage. I had to sorry ;'3 ))
   ( also, I had no pic of UF!Pap, which is sad. But I did this one instead because it makes sense. :3 ))

   Like any other day, the skele-blaster was preparing to go to Waterfall. Sure the water seemed bloody, but it still felt like water.
    Just warmer than normal water.
   But when was normal a thing in any version of her beloved home? No where. At least, it was normal for others of her species. The real word was spat at the skeleton enough times for her to grow sour towards it. It wasn't like she deserved it!
   . . . .
   Or did she?

   Papyrus was still working on his traps and sending her several texts per ten / twenty minutes. Usual for the twig, correct?
    Maybe not.
   He seemed worried about something. It let a small sliver of fear enter the females' skull, but she only needed a deep breath to get over it. Swimming for the usual couple hours wasn't going to harm anyone, correct?
   Setting her headphones over her ear holes and grabbing her jacket and phone, the 'dragoness' would make her way to Onion-Sans' room. She had grown fond of the bulb monster. They reminded her of someone. . . she would never be able to say who. Not now. It's still too early, twelve-some years later. She had a bad habit of holding on to HOPE for too long. . . .

   It took only an hour or so for the skele-blaster to be interrupted from her relaxation time, her skull tilted back and eye sockets closed. She had been leaning against the soggy side of the land, headphones still blaring mental-stabling music. It took only a couple seconds for her to notice the bare-footed, boney legs dangling on either side of her, hesitantly dipping into the water. As he always says, the twig wasn't so fond of water. . . .
   Taking her headphones off and setting them on her jacket - having to turn around and reach a little to do so - the skele-blaster would lift her heart-shaped pupils to stare upwards. Guara was used to his piercing gaze. . . . But this time, it felt different. Was he hesitating? He didn't look fine. Even if he tried to revert to his usual scowl when he took notice of her softer look.

   [ "Papy? Love, is everything alright?" ]

   She would have known if anything happened to anyone, or Sans, or Frisk. So it had to be something else, correct?
  Her worry rang easily through her echoey voice, soft yet obvious. This seemed to only make the taller skeleton tense, his arms straightening more at his sides. She could almost see the dots over his skull as he stared.

   Her sheepish grin grew, hoping to comfort him in some way. It was unsettling how soft his scratchy tone had become.

    [ "Yes, Love?" ]

   " . . . ."

   ". . . ."

    "A-. . . are you sure you still . . . like . . a stupid idiot . like me?"

    His statement seemed to freeze her soul for a moment, the smile gone - save the permanent one. It seemed like it took forever for him to say it, many different voice cracks going off. She hadn't even noticed the way tears formed in his eye sockets. The glow of the water washed over his skull, as if to cover them.
    This only provoked the 'dragoness' to move her hands to either side of his dark bones, pulling herself up with ease. She understood why he would say that.
   She understood all too well how the voices in ones' head works.

    It only took a minute for the smaller skeleton to wrap herself around Papyrus, who had made a small choking sound before resting his skull against her shoulder. The small shock against the bone encouraged a shaky sigh as she sat on his lap, arms wrapped over his shoulders.

    [ "It is hard to think otherwise sometimes. But I love you with all my SOUL, Papyrus. There is not a day I do not think of you, no matter where I am. I do not vy(sp??) for any other human or creature like us. You have no need to be sure of losing me, as you will not. And even if I leave physically, there would not be a day where I leave mentally. I hope at the least. Do not hurt too much, love. I am here." ]
   Her tone had softened even more, sadness and love spiraling in her honey-smooth echo. She had slowly moved to rest her fangs against his jawline, pupils still trained on his face. Papyrus was watching her as well, tears sliding down his skull. One arm stayed wrapped over his shoulder as the other moved down to his chest. Gu had rested her gloved hand over his chest by the end of the speech, slowly moving it back up to his other cheekbone when he moved around a little.
   Papyrus still wasn't sure how to react to the kindness the 'dragoness' showed. She technically lived with it. Green did mean that. He knew she was aware of his speechlessness, so he didn't bother worrying over not speaking. Having her still there. Sitting - cuddling against him - by choice. It was enough to melt away his worries over a period of half an hour or so.
    Silence still enveloped the two as he shifted around once more, wrapping his own lanky arms around her magical waist. A light pink blush dusted over his cheeks' when he leaned back some, examining his lovers' face. Guara had fallen asleep against his chest, one arm bent against his arm and side while the other was loosely sprawled over his pelvic bone. Her tank top and shorts were still somewhat wet. But he didn't mind it. Okay well maybe he did. But he still didn't like water.
    Papyrus just smiled after a little while. God was her face adorable when she slept. Her tail was still floating softly in the red-hued liquid, the scythe tip sparkling. Alphys had probably polished it last time the skeleton had gone to visit her.
    Jolting a little when her phone went off, Papyrus would glare at the object. Who? Oh, it was just the human. Guara usually didn't like children, but put up with the different Frisks and . . . /Charas/ . . . that she visits. He always got a little jealous, and this time was no acception. He didn't care to answer it for her, instead simply standing. It was probably getting late anyways. Especially if the human was calling about dessert. How she enjoyed Guaras' Butterscotch Lasagna amazed him to no end. But it was the humans' preference. He didn't care either, in all honesty.
    After grabbing her items and growling at Onion - who had been watching the couple admiringly because 'OTP!' - the twig would march off to the house. Sans was probably at Chillbys' anyways, the bastard. Oh well. Off to make spaghetti! Content sigh. Probably nuzzling Gu's skull every now and then.

    Of course he glared at others that stared.
    They should be grateful that he wasn't attacking them!


( Aaayyy! I randomly got the idea to write this out. The ship was fully engaged by my friendo L and I. I'm not sure how she's gonna react, and I'm not sure how I did with her version of the cranky twig, but hey! Here's a thingy.
    I might make a follow-up of this if asked enough, I'unno. *Shrugs*
    If asked to remove this, however, then I probably will. It's up to my friendo, really. Love ya' lady! <3

Love ya'll too! <3
Boi'ya! ))

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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