Fashion, fame, Riggs fanfic)

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I was getting ready for an interview when my friend, Samantha texted me.

-hey- she said.

-sup- I replied.

-u wanna get coffee? I no ure a bear without it-she asked.

-sure. Come pick me up in half hr.-I answered.

-sure thang c ya in bit- she said.

I got dressed into I red T and black skinny jeans. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my damp hair and teeth. "How is my hair still wet?" I asked myself. I took a shower last night. I blow dried the rest of my hair. Then I straightened my hair and ran downstairs.

I sat on the couch and started watching spongebob with my little brother Lyle. My older brothers Jason and Chase came running down the stairs and into the kitchen. I watched them as they pushed and shoved each other. I laughed and returned to watching TV. Chase ran into the living room, jumped over the couch, sat down, grabbed the remote and changed it to the Maury show. "Yes!" I said. I loved this show.

Jason walked into the living room and reclined on our brown recliner. I heard a honk outside and chase immediately got up and looked out the window, being fallowed by Lyle. "Who is it?" Asked Jason. "Samantha." Said Chase. "Sammi!" Screamed Lyle and ran out the door to greet Samantha.

Samantha stepped out of her silver Chevy impala and hugged Lyle. They walked into the house and plopped down on the couch. "Ready girl?" She asked. "Yeah just let me grab my purse. We should get breakfast too." I said starting to walk upstairs. "Woah wait a second. Where ya think your going?" Asked Chase. He was very over protective. "Just getting breakfast." I said innocently. "Take Lyle with ya." He said. "Yay!" Screamed Lyle.

I grabbed my purse as we climbed into Samantha's car. "I'll pay for the meal okay?" I said. "No it's ok.." Samantha started but I stopped her, telling her I want to. " I think lil mister Lyle should pick where we're feastin." She said. "Perkins!" He said excitedly.

We drove to Perkins. The song fireworks came on from Katy perry and we all started singing. We arrived at the resteraunt just as it was ending. Samantha turned off the car and we all exited the vehicle.

"Oh can I play this thing?" Asked Lyle, gesturing to the stuffed animal crane. "Yeah." I said, reaching in my purse for fifty cents before giving it to him. He inserted the coins and started to play. Samantha and I waited. He went for the stuffed lion, but missed. "Can I play again?" He begged. "Maybe after breakfast okay." I said. He smiled.

We sat in one of those booths, gave the waiter our orders, and patiently waited for out meals. Lyle got a coloring book and crayons. "Can I color with you?" Asked Samantha. She loved kids and always will. She plays with them and sometimes acts like one too. She's always wanted to be a head start teacher and start a family of her own.

They colored happily until the waiter came back with our food. Samantha ordered eggs and bacon, Lyle ordered Mickey Mouse shaped pancakes and I had a waffle. I took a picture of Lyle's pancake before he ate it.

After we ate I left a five dollar tip for the waiter. I let Lyle play the crane again. He lost again so I played for him. "I want the lion!" He said. I went for the lion and grabbed it with the claw. The lion was then lifted in the air as I slowly brought it to the where we drop the animal. It dropped in the hole and I jumped in excitement. Lyle grabbed the lion and hugged it tightly.

We were starting to walk out just as a boy and his dad were walking in. I bumped into the boy and he just looked at me and walked by. When he entered the building I heard girls scream with excitement.

"What was that about?" Asked Samantha as we all climbed into the car. "I don't know. Why were people screaming?" I asked. "No idea." She said. "I love this thank you!" Said Lyle with excitement. "We're going to drop you off at home okay bud." I said. "Okay." He said disappointedly.

We dropped him off and headed to Starbucks.

"So i was thinking I should have a party." Said Samantha. I nearly choked on my donut. "Are you ok!?" She asked worriedly. "A party!" I yelled in excitement. "Yeah." She said. "Can I be the host!" I asked. She nodded and I got excited. Just then that same boy came in, just with his friend. People ran up to him and asked for his autograph.

I sighed. "Oh my god! That's Chandler Riggs!" Said Sam, quietly but excitedly. "No really?" I asked sarcastically. She got up and practically dragged me over there. Everyone returned to their coffee after getting an autograph. "And who am I making this out to?" He asked, as he wrote on a napkin for Samantha. "Samantha, Stay alive! Chandler Riggs." He said as he wrote it out.

"Do you want an autograph too?" He asked me. I just shook my head and went back to my seat. Him and Samantha talked for awhile as his friend walked towards me. "Hey." He said and sat down across from me. "Um do I know you?" I asked. "No I'm Samuel. Sam for short." He said holding out his hand. I refused just as Chandler and Samantha walked towards us. Samantha sat next to me and Chandler sat by Sam. "Sup." said Chandler. I grinned.

"So what time should we be over at your party Sammie?" Asked Chandler. "You invited them!" I said angrily. "It starts at seven pm but you can come early if you like." She said. "Sweet!" Said Sam. "Claire here is putting it all together." She said, laying one hand on my shoulder. "Seriously" I said annoyed. She smiled. "Well it was nice to meet you ladies. Can't wait for the party." Said Chandler getting up. "Bye." She said, as Sam got up. "See ya soon." Said Sam, winking at me. Oh jeese.

"He's hot." Stated Samantha as the two boys walked out of the café, a giant smile on both of their faces. "Which one?" I asked, laughing while saying it. "Chandler!" She said. "I think that Sam guy likes me." I said, sounding not pleased at all. "He's cute too. I think he does like you though." She said, sipping her capachino. I took a sip of mine. "Let's get out of here." I said, eager to leave before they came back.


*Chandlers POV*

I walked out of the café with a smile on my face. Claire seemed like she had no idea who I was. Sammie seemed super excited. I have to admit, Sammie was kind of cute. I couldn't wait to see her at the party this weekend.

"Claire was hot!" Said Sam, sounding happier then he's been in weeks. "Eh." I said. We walked back over to my house and played video games.

After an hour and a half, we shut the games off and decided to go walk around, see what's new.

We walked by my ex girlfriends house and saw her dad fixing the roof. "Chandler it's so good to see you!" He said. "Hey Tom how's it goin?" I asked. "Good good. You here to pick up Sarah?" He asked. "Nah just wanted to see how your doing." I said. "Good. Just replacing the roof tiles." He said. "Want any help?" I asked. "If you would like too." He said, as we climbed up the ladder. Sam fallowed me.

Tom started playing his music again. The song Burning for You came on and we started singing.

We finished putting in the tiles about an hour later. "Thank you boys." Said Tom. "No problem. See ya later." I said and we walked away.

We went back to my house and watched the walking dead for awhile.

"Okay I'm going to see Claire and Samantha you wanna come?" Asked Sam, standing up. "Sure nothing else I got to do." I said and got up. I told my mom we were going to a friends house and she told us to be back by 11:30 for lunch. We left and walked around trying to find Samantha's house. She wrote her address on a napkin for me.

We finally found her house and I excitedly knocked on the door. She answered. Her beautiful brown hair flowed as the wind rushed by her. She batted her dark brown eyes and said something. I had no idea what she said because I was lost in her beauty. "I'm sorry what?" I asked, shaking my head and snapping back to reality. She just laughed.

"Can I help you?" She repeated.


There's chapter one. Vote comment?



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2013 ⏰

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