Chapter 1

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You were just kicked ot of you house by your parents. They said you needed to grow up and get a real job because youtube wasn't enough. You decided to call your life time friend Josh. He picked up almost immediatly after you called him. 

"Hey" you said through tears. "What wrong you sound like you've been crying" He replies, he knows you better than anybody. "My parents just kicked me out and said youtube wasn't a real job." "Thats horrible, you know theres always room at my house, I'm sure the guys wont mind an extra face around here" He says and it immediatly makes you happier.

"Are you sure, I've never even met most of them, I've only met Harry and he doesnt even live there" You say. Its true, Josh hasnt gotten around to intoducing you to them yet. "Ill ask them, then Ill meet you at Nandos in 10" He says and hangs up. You get in the car and start to Nandos.

You pull up and order for yourself and then order what he usually gets and find a table. (Idk if this is actually how Nando's works, I don't live in the U.K.) About 5 minutes later Josh walks in and smiles as he comes to sit next to you. "All of the guys said that you can live there!" He said excitedly. At least you won't be living on the streets.

"Yay that is great!! When can I move in?" You ask. "Any time you'd like" He says. The food comes and you both eat and told about random things. Once you're done eating, you follow Josh's cat back to the Sidemen house. I've seen the house tour a few times so this isn't new to me very much, but I wouldn't tell them that.

(That's the house tour if you haven't seen it)

Josh opens the front door for you and you are instantly greeted by 4 people, you recognized them all as Simon Minter (aka miniminter), Olajide/JJ (aka KSI), Tobi (aka TBJZL), and Vikk (aka Vikkstar123). You have watched all their channels because they were friends of Josh.

"Guys this is Y/N, Y/N this is Tobi, Vikk, JJ, and Simon" You smile at all of them. "Nice to meet you Y/N" Toni says and gives you a warm smile. All of the guys smile at you. "hi" you say and smile at all of them. "Y/N I'll get your bags, Simon show her to her room" Josh says and Simon turns to head upstairs and you follow him.

"The room you have is all the way on the top floor, across from mine" Simon says as he continues up the stairs. He takes you through another hallways and then up another set of stairs until you are at the top level. Woah, you are going to get in shape if you have to do that every time you wanna go upstairs or Down.

He opens a door to a room with a bed and a desk and drawers. "This is your room, sorry it's a bit small, I'll be right across the hall if you need me, oh and the bathroom is right over there" he says and walks out and heads to his room. You sit on the bed and wait for Josh to come up with your stuff.

Josh finally comes up with a bag in each hand and Vikk follows him with a suit case, they set your stuff on the bed and Josh leaves. "I can help you unpack if you want" He smiles. His smile is so great, you could probably look at it for days. "Sure that'd be great" you smile at him. He seems really nice.

I haven't written and X reader in so long sorry this first chapter kinda sucks lol, I'm probably gonna be adding gifs and stuff to the upcoming chapters so get ready.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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