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*Caitie* Wha MOM DAD!!!!!! Whare are u. *She rushes down stairs* JACOB MATTEW my brothers aren't here.
*She starts to cry* WHY IS THIS HAPPENING!! I should call Kayla *She doesn't awnser* Then if Kayla won't awnser I'll  call Lola *Lola Doesn't awnser either* WHY WHY IS THIS HAPENING *She screams*..... *Tori* huh who was that OMFG THAT WAS CAITIE GOTTA RUN THARE. *Caitie* THANK HEAVENS YOUR HERE TORI MY BROTHERS AREN'T HERE MY PARENTS ALSO AREN'T HERE WHAT AM I GOING TO DO? *Tori* Everything will be okay don't worry Caitie you will be ok. Since your sad do u wanna *Caitie* GO TO STARBUCKS PLEASE TORI *Tori* Yes we can go. As Tori and Caitie drive'd to StarBucks all Caitie was doing is trying not to cry.Okay were here what do u wanna order?

STAY TUNED TILL CHAPER 2 hoped u liked the first chapter also at 141 words in the story😀

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