All quotes made be your true neko aka me.
If you love me how come when i show my real side you look in disgust.
If you love me prove it dont look in disgust or leave when i show it.
Why is murder a sin if we were put in the world to die, your just relieving them of pain.
The only way to be perfect is to be imperfect.
God worst but best creation is humans.
God is not imperfect if he was why does he watch his children die and kill each other over eve, the event happened milinioums ago.
If you are gmtrue and holy why dare you question peoples oponions just because itz not yours.
If your gonna fight me do it but ill tell ya now by the time the police get here even God wont be able to fix you especially your face.
If you come to hurt my family you must be suicidal.
If you judge Juvia (Fairytail) i will hunt you down, and kill you.