Christmas is near.

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I miss the feeling of snow

The white, sparkly, mist in front of my window

Twinkling and smiling, just like a star

And there it stand on top of the christmas tree

Simple, small, and radiant colors, of red and green

Standing there, brightly lit, something nice I have seen

I like the feeling of sweaters

They're warm, striped, and huge

Yet cozy and soothing like a  cup of hot chocolate

That melts down your throat as if it's honey

And then the smell of peppermint arrives

Little wheels, red and white, spinning around

Their colors that I smell with my red nose

Which they call "rudolph" and often "reindeer"

It startles me, when I often end up listening to holiday

The kind of music that has all tracks of winter

And hearing the owl say "who, who, who?"

While walking in the neighborhood with dad, and seeing lights

Everywhere, as if a contest was being thrown out

It's a welcoming time of year

Just the way it approaches

Hugs, laughter, and the feeling of warmth and care

Gift wrappers stuck on our foreheads and silly smiles

It's a lovely year

ICollection of poems to comfort the soulWhere stories live. Discover now