A drowning dream

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My friend Evi and I were cycling home from school. We were cycling through the mountains which reminded me of Italy (I have never been to Italy so I don't know).

At the end of the mountain was a small wooden plank with balustrades. We had to cycle over it to go to our village.

I stepped of my bicycle and walked further. Evi jokingly said "are you really afraid to cycle over it?". And I was like "yeah it's really high up".

She walked forwards and stepped of her bicycle as well. Because the balustrades had ended. And she did a little dance to let me see that it was not scary.

But at that moment she fell. She fell  while I said "no no no no". And finally she hit the water.

As fast as I could I ran downstairs and informed our families who were sitting at the dock where she fell. They saw Evi fall as well,  but had no clue what happened.

Evi's  mom and I jumped into the water. We tried to find you because right in front of the dock it wasn't that deep yet. But right next to it, it was like in finding Nemo, the scene where he is taken by the scuba diver.

For a moment I thought I found you, but it was her mother's arm. So we both swam up and climbed on the dock. The others had called 112 and they were trying to find scuba divers.

After a little while I jumped in the water again hoping that maybe she was still on the undeep part. So this time instead of swimming underwater with my eyes closed, I felt around with my feet.

I felt a body!!!

I dived underwater and searched around where I had felt her. Pretty soon I found her and lifted her up. I swam to the dock with her.

I laid her down on her side and opened her mouth. Almost immediately father came flowing from her mouth and her consciousness slowly returned.

That was my dream. Evi is still alive.
You might have noticed that some things might not fully be right. For example Evi would've probably needed reviving after not being able to breath for that long.
But remember it was just a dream.

Btw, I made a really awesome jump in my dream from pretty high up!

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