Chapter 1

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Word Count- 1150

Emma gets out of school and walks to her neighbor's car, Ian drives her to and from school every day. "Hey," Emma smiles at him softly.

"Hey," Ian nods as the small girl pulls herself up in the pickup truck and buckles her seatbelt.

"Can we stop at Smoothie King?" She asks hopefully.

"Sure short stuff" Ian smiles and drives to the smoothie king by the town square.

"Yea!" She grins childishly and thinks about what she will order.

Ian chuckles and shakes his head as they pull into Smoothie King parking lot. Emma hops out and runs inside and runs into a wall. Confused, she steps back and looks up at the guy standing in front of her. "Uh- I uh... sorry," she says almost inaudibly.

The tall guys looks down at her. "What?" He asks not able to hear her not in a menacing tone whatsoever.

Her lips tremble looking up into his clear blue eyes. "Uh-um s-sorry," she says just slightly louder.

"Sorry little one I truly can no hear you"

Ian walks in behind her "Hey Emma you ok?" He asks her. she nods timidly, slightly shaking "oh, Hi Jaxon" he smiles. "Emma this is Jaxon he graduated 3 years ago"

"H-hi," Emma says looking at the ground"

"Jaxon this is Emma she's a freshman" Ian explains

"Nice to meet you, Emma" He smiles and holds his hand out.

Emma nods and has slowly inched her way slightly hiding behind Ian

"You too" she whispers making eye contact for a moment then diverting her eyes to the floor.

"Well, see ya around man," Ian says farewell to Jaxon. Jaxon nods and leaves the Smoothie King "you ok?" He asks Emma.

Emma nods and walks up to the counter and orders a medium kale and mango smoothie. She tries to pay but Ian orders and pays for the both of them.

Once they get their drinks they hop back in the truck. "You sure you ok?" Ian asks

Emma nods "you know how I am." She keeps her eyes averted down

Ian drops her off at home "see ya Monday short stuff"

"K see ya" Emma smiles and walks into her house drinking her smoothie. Her dad was hosting a Business dinner tonight with a few people so Emma had to get ready. So she had to go upstairs and get ready. She lets her hair down out of the bun so her normally straight hair was in some waves but it was still reaching below her butt. She picks out the dress the wipes off her makeup from school and applies her formal makeup with falsies, contouring, and eyebrows. She slips her dress and shoes on. Then heads down stairs. Emma sits in the parlor reading a book waiting to sit around and be the perfect quiet daughter, it wasn't to hard since she was already a quiet and meek girl and my parents raised me this way. I finish the chapter as people walk into the room with my mother. "Hello mother" I smile looking up and see Jaxon, from Smoothie King, I offer a polite smile. I walk over to my mother.

"Hello Emma, pleasure to see you again" Jacob smiles

"I-um Hi", she says quietly looking down.

"Hello gentleman" Emma's father walks in the room, shaking hands with Jaxon and the other man "welcome to our home, Mr. Volintino(Jaxon), Mr. Smith, this is my daughter Emma and my wife Susan"

Jaxon smiles and shakes Mr. Barilla's, Emma's dad's, hand "you home is very lovely"

"Thank you and I believe dinner is ready", Mr. Barilla says and lays an arm around Susan's waist. The couple starts walking to the dining room Emma followed them walking toward the dining room next to Mr. Volintino.

"How are you, Emma?" Mr. Volintino asks her.

"I-uh I'm good", she says quietly not making eye contact

"Emma, make eye contact when you talk to people", The girl's father says in a strict tone.

"Yes sir," she says softly.

The group arrives at the dining room. The long table that could fit 11 or 12 people was black. The walls were a light gray and had many windows that would have a view of the sunset.

Mr. Barilla pulls his chair out for his wife and she sits on his left side, Emma next to her while Mr. Volintino and Mr. Smith on his right.

The waiter serves the soup to the ladies then the men. As they eat small talk is made and Jaxon eyes Emma discreetly. Soon the salads are served everyone having a Caesar except Emma who hated Caesar salad with a passion and took a house salad instead. "So Emma what school do you go to?" Mr. Volintino asks

"Richmond Prep," she says not making eye contact once again

"Emma," Mr. Barilla says slightly angered.

"Sorry," she says and looks up at the man looking at his nose to pretend she was making eye contact "I go to Richmond Preparatory Academy."

"Good school," Mr, Volintino says "I went there myself"

After dinner was over the men left to Mr. Barilla's office to make a few deals. Emma and her mother were left alone in the dining room and each went their separate ways to their rooms.

In the office, Mr. Volintino sits in the guest seat calmly and states "I want her"

"What?" Mr. Barilla asks confused

"I want her," he says again "the girl, your daughter"

"No," Mr. Barilla says laughing brushing it off as a joke.

Mr. Volintino chuckles and slightly pulls out his gun just so you could see the butt of the gun "like I said I want her"

"Ok-ok uh just write the contract and I'll sign," Mr. Barilla says worried knowing the man's reputation when he doesn't get what he wants "just don't hurt her ok? Don't hurt my baby girl."

Mr. Volintino nods and writes up a contract really quick. Mr. Barilla nods and walks upstairs to his daughter's room "Emma?"

"Yes, dad?" She asks.

Her dad sighs "Pack up your stuff you'll be going somewhere for a while."

"What do you mean?" she asks confused.

"I need you to know that Mr. Volintino is part of a very large gang and he wants you," Mr. Barilla explains.

"What are you trying to say?" she asks scared.

"I have to give you to Mr. Volintino." 

"OK," she says terrified.

Mr. Volintino walks into the room "time to go Emma" he says.

"OK," she says and grabs a few personal things "can I change into different clothes?" she asks the man who was taking her away.

"Yes you may just hurry up," he says and Emma's father starts packing her stuff for her.

Emma changed into leggings and a long shirt. "Thanks, dad," she smiles at him taking her bag "love you." After that, she was forced to leave with Jaxon Volintino.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2016 ⏰

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