The message.

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Hanna walks to the kitchen and Spencer is on the phone, talking to Toby. Alison tries put the fire on and find blanket and wraps it around Emily.


Emily looks really weak and scared, so we all are. I swear i saw Aria went in bathroom but how could she gone just like that.

"Thanks Ali"

"you're welcome Emily" as I smiled.

"HANNA, tell Caleb track Aria's phone!" Spencer yells from another room.


I grab my phone and calls Caleb,
After 3 calls, Caleb answered.

"Hanna? I was sleeping"

"Sorry babe, it's important"

"ugh sure let me put lamp on" said Caleb.
"Hanna, what happen?"

"Well, Aria is missing" as I look to Emily and back to the floor.

"W-hut"as he choked.
"I'll come over, see you soon han"


I'm laying on Spencer lounge with Ali next to me.

Why does the bad thing always happens to her.
Her parent divorced.
Her dad died.
She lost her brother in car accident.
Her mom have Lung Cancer.
She's is all her own.

My mind went completed blank, nothing but pitch of black.

"Don't worry Em, she will be okay" as Ali pulls me into her arms.

"but, Aria was like little sister to me" as
tears rolling down my cheeks.

Then there was a knocked at the door.

Omg who's at the door?

Sorry I haven't post for ages and I'm in Portugal rn.

Lots of love


After The Time JumpDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora