Lovely Complex

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Movie: Lovely Complex

  Runtime: 99 min

Language: Japanese

Country: Japan


Risa, a tall Japanese girl, gets rejected by a boy because she is taller than him. Otani, a short Japanese guy, gets rejected by a girl because he is shorter than her. Obviously these two would make the oddest of couples and would never be a good match for each other right? Well love doesn't always follow such logic as Love Complex shows.

My Thoughts

Ok, I haven't really ever watched Japanese movies before, until recently. I went through quite a few movies that I couldn't stand, and had to turn off. But Lovely Complex, was actually the first one I turned off... then went back and finished the whole thing. I actually found myself enjoying it more than I thought I would. Don't get me wrong, it was corny.. but it was also pretty funny, I found myself laughing very often. There was a few times I found myself about to turn it off, because Risa's friend's would say inappropriate things. Otani was just too cute :D I loved his character he was very sweet. I have watched other Japanese movies, and I have to say, this is the weirdest one of them all >.< But I find myself wanting to go back and watch it again :D I just loved this show, and all it's corniness.

I want to read the manga, but haven't yet..

Would I watch it again Yes

Rating 7/10

I will soon be reviewing

Strobe Edge

Haru Ride

Senpai To Kanojo

AND!!!! L-DK!

God bless! ^^

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