"That bastard..." The helper of the king was talking to himself. The king just slapped and kicked him. "I know..." He snuck into the Kings room, drugged him, and stole some clothes from his closet. The helper snuck into his daughters room. He walked in on her masturbating to furry porn. "what the fuck are you doing in my room?!?!" The helper didnt say anything. He walked closer to her and laid her down on her bed. "Dad?!?" The helper smiled and then took of the daughters pants. "What the---" she was interupted by the helper entering one finger inside her genderpart. The daughter was crying while moaning. "Stop." When the helper heard her he smiled wider and put two more fingers in "S-stop!" he felt his fingers getting wet. "Thanks daughter o' mine." the helper left. The daughter never knew that it wasnt her dad that raped her.