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          The Survey Corps were gathered near the gate of Wall Rose, ready to head out for their sixty-seventh expedition beyond the protective walls and entering the dangerous territory of the titans. They wanted to reclaim the section where the titans conquered which once belonged to them: Wall Maria. The titans where human-like giants that ranged from five metres tall to over fifty metres tall. They had been predators of the entire human race for about a century and caused every man to fear for their lives. Ever since the titans destroyed Wall Maria, everyone was even more afraid, fearing the next attack.

          "I want to find an abnormal titan!" Hanji Zoe, the Squad Leader, said in excitement.
Levi Ackerman, the Corporal, leaned over to her while on his horse, pointed at her and said, "There's one right here."
The gate was opened slowly and the Scouts waited patiently. Once the gate was fully opened, the Commander, Erwin Smith, fired a loud blank gun shot, and everyone set out on their horses.

          Once they had stepped out of the safety of the walls, the Scouts spaced out and got into the formation that Erwin had created. Everything was going smoothly when red smoke could be seen coming from the right side of the formation, there was a titan near them. Once the signal was spotted, the people in the formation made a left, avoiding the titan. This continued for a while, until Sasha Blouse, one of the new recruits, spotted an abnormal titan eyeing them hungrily. Sasha's eyes widened and said frantically, "Connie, fire the red signal!"
The recruit in question, Connie Springer, reached for his gun and followed the order given.
"Do we attack? I mean, it's an abnormal titan after all," Krista Lenz asked.
"No," the leader in front, Jack Ford, answered.
As the group turned and advanced, the titan began to give chase.
"Sir, it's chasing us!" Sasha yelled, panicking.
"You guys continue ahead! I'll deal with it!" Jack said, jumping off his horse and using the three-dimensional maneuver gear.
The hooks at the end of the thick wire of the gear sunk into the titan's skin as Jack soared in the air. He drew out his swords and sliced the nape of the titan's neck. After killing it, he managed to jump back on his galloping horse.

          After that abnormal titan got killed, things fell apart pretty quickly. More than one titan attacked each group and the Scouts would be forced to kill them. The only group that was not preyed on was Levi's team, which consisted of Eren Jaeger, Mikasa Ackerman, Jean Kirschtein and Armin Arlert. Suddenly, a loud thumping sound could be heard behind them and seemed to get louder every minute. Armin turned and quickly turned back to face Levis back.
"Sir, a titan is approaching us at six o' clock!" he reported.
"Eren, fire the red signal," Levi instructed calmly.
Eren obeyed and fired the red signal as they made a left. They were heading into a forest with eighty-metre tall trees.
"Whatever you do, don't try to kill the titan," Mikasa whispered to Eren, who had an urgency to kill a titan once he laid his eyes on it.
"Shut it, Mikasa. I'm not your little brother," Eren growled.
"Even so, don't do anything funny," Mikasa said.
Eren did not answer.

          The entire expedition went smoothly and ended on a high note. The Survey Corps managed to reach Shiganshina district in Wall Maria and managed to kill most of the titans within Wall Maria and seal the gate by getting Eren to turn into a titan and carry a heavy boulder to seal the hole. Eren could turn into a titan upon biting his hand and a goal in mind, but the reason is unclear.
"This is humanity's greatest achievement," Erwin announced to the townspeople upon returning, "The next goal is to clear the titans in the area beyond Wall Maria."
The townspeople cheered in delight. Finally, after years of suffering and hiding away in fear, they could finally see a ray of hope. Peace would be theirs again.

word count: 669
date written: 13 july 2016
marks: 24/30
a/n: yes i did write this as my composition in school + the teacher was wondering how i "came up with the names" + most of the people who got the same topic as me (peace) wrote about descendants of the sun (the others got different topics courtesy of my teacher)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2018 ⏰

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