The Trapped World part 1

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the trapped world part 1

Most know its a trapped world , most know its good and bad out there but one thing is said today, "today we fight". this story is about one boy one turns to a man and is taken away to a norther world of terror by he's other friend and this is the story enjoy)

One morning on a summer day a little boy called Connor was playing in the school yard he was always happy to see everyone and he was happy to be alive he's friend was called bob, now bob he was not very ok today he said to Connor,

bob: Connor now is it ok that I tell you this.

Connor: yes you can go on.

bob: ok you will not tell no one.

Connor: ok I will not

bob: here we go I k... k... ki....

Connor: yes

bob: I killed some one ok.

Connor: no you did not your just joking your always joking around ok.

bob: no I'm not ok I'm not god damn joking ok I killed someone.

Connor: well who was it.

bob: it was my headmaster.

Connor: ok let's go see him now.

(a few mins later)

bob: here we are at his office.

(a lady comes out upset)

(the lady was called zoey)

zoey: oh who, just who would KILL some one like him he was a good man ,oh no.

bob: see I told you so.

(Connor just stood there in horror)

Connor: your a killer that's what you are, you son of a b"!ch I'm going to the police about you.

bob: please I'm your friend ,don't please don't.

Connor: what are you.

bob: I don't know man ok I do not know.

bob: oh what I'm I doing to my self.

Connor: you are a god damn evil killer that's what you are ,you need to die ,I tell you ,die.

bob: no I do not I fact you need to die.

Conor: no I've not killed some one have I hmmm.

bob: go to hell

Connor: no you are the one who needs to go to hell you killed a man what did he do to you.

bob: I....

(bob just stop for a second)

bob: I don't I don't .

bob:I don't know ok.

Connor: your sick you are weird just stay away from me and my family.

bob: no please don't do this or I will kill you.

Connor: oh my god what have you become you sick man.

bob. I'm sorry.

Connor: bye bye your sick o.

(it's know been 10years later and now bob and Connor did not know each other but bob did not go to jail some how)

(bob lived in a house in London but Connor lived in a house in New York over in America)

Connor : come on son it's time to go to London on holiday

Timmy: ok dad

Liz: ok my love Connor

Connor: I think we're of

(now we skip to bob)

bob: ok I think I need to get to work

Meg: no you to talk to me about something now you got a call of someone.

bob: yes love who was that then

Meg: well it was the police

(bob was in terror)

bob: what did they want with me then

Meg: well I think it has something to do with your childhood

bob: ho shit no no don't say that word or I will kill you meg

Meg: what word ... childhood

bob: no you I'm going to f@&king kill you

(bob got I big kitchen knife I hit it into Meg's head she fell dead on the ground she was dead)

bob: oh shit oh shit what have i... no no it's ok I'm ok they say I'm crazy but they are full of crap or shit to me

bob ok I need to run away because I think I'm no that's ok.

Connor: yes my love there's the room

(Connors holiday was in a flat next door to bobs , now bob he said)

bob: that's Connor my old evil friend with his wife Liz and he's god damn son Timmy what ever that boys name is shit

Connor: let's get in

bob: he's coming over no no.

(Connor opens the door ever so slowly and then open fast then...)

bob: oh shit it's

Connor: you

Bob: Connor

Connor : bob

( Connor and bob look at each other and that's were this part ends)

thanks for reading bye bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2013 ⏰

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The Trapped World part 1Where stories live. Discover now