Never Get Away

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Lindsey's POV; 1982

She was everywhere but nowhere. I haven't seen her for a few days but she was all I could think about. I left the studio, I had been working on the same song all day long. I wanted it to be perfect. I got in my car and turned on the radio

Thunder only happens when it's raining...players only love you when they're playin'

I turn the station and there she is again

And the heart says danger, and the heart says whatever it is that you want from me. I am just one small part of forever...

Jesus! I turn it off completely and at the red light, coming from another car.

Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night and wouldn't you love to love her...

I look over and there are girls in the car checking me out. But that's the car that's listening to that damned song and they are singing it loudly and badly...I can't handle it. I pray for the green light and when it comes, I speed off. I get a bite to eat Before heading home and inside the restaurant, they're playing Don't Stop. I'm not bothered by this at all.

You're listening to Fleetwood Fridays! Next up, a song by the sizzling and seductive Stevie Nicks! Stay Tuned!

Suddenly I'm no longer hungry. I run out of there as fast as I can, get back in my car, roll up my windows...She's on magazine stands and on tee shirts in the windows of all the stores in town. I run into my house at break neck speed. I need to be alone. I strum mindless on my guitar and realize I'm playing Stephanie, the song I wrote for her. I can't escape her.

There is a knock on the door and I answer it without looking through the peep hole. I wasn't expecting company. And there she is before me. She's dressed so casually in a Tom Petty tee shirt, tight jeans and these platform shoes that I always loved. Not boots but more like sandals, I guess.
"Hey, can I come in or?"
"Yeah, s-sure" I stammer. I try to stay cool but her hand brushes mine and I can't think anymore. My mind turns to mush.
"I was hoping you could help me with something"
"Sure, yeah"
"Are you okay? Maybe I should come back?"
"No, no. What do you need help with?"
"Um, I don't know how to ask this without seeming weird but he's out of town and I was wondering if maybe you could stay with me for the night. I get kind of nervous on my own in that big house." I just stare at her. "Or maybe I could ask someone else. I'm sorry to bother you."
"I'll do it."
"You will? Oh, you saved my life! Thank you!" She kisses my cheek and my heart stops briefly.
"When do I need to be there?"
"I will let you know for sure but I don't know maybe 9, 10, midnight...whenever you want"

She leaves and I get a call around the time I'm going to be leaving for her place.
"Hey, Linds, I'm sorry to call you on such short notice. I know I said I wanted you to come over tonight but uh, he said he didn't want to leave me alone like that so he decided to catch his flight tomorrow morning." All hope I had of spending time with her smashed into a million pieces. "Linds, Lindsey..."
"Yeah, yeah I'm here"
"I guess I'll see you around. I hope I didn't ruin your night"
"You didn't"
"If you wanted to, you could still come over and hang out, just the three of us"
I didn't want to see him kissing the girl I love. I didn't want I see him putting his arm around my girl. I didn't want to hear her laugh at his stupid jokes and look at him the way she used to look at me. I didn't want to hear their little pet names for each other and I sure as hell didn't want her to see how much I was hurting and how he had taken from me everything I wanted.
"No, it's alright honey. Have a good night."
"Don't be stranger." She tells me and I nod like an idiot. The next thing I hear is the dial tone. I go to my study and put on one of our demos. I start it and her voice fills the room as I cry.

I will follow you down til the sound of my voice will haunt you.

My emotions get the best of me and I wail as if someone has died.

You will never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you
Was I such a fool?

And a fool I was to let her slip through my fingers. It seems as though any Tom, Dick, and Harry can get a piece of her...

Except me.

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