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Alex's POV

"Thanks, uhh. Jessica is it?" I said to her. Sighing in annoyance she turns forces a smile and says "Jess. Don't call me Jessica. Ever." Turning on her heels she left the hall with me in it. I waited until I couldn't hear  her steps anymore. "Well okay then, Jess." I mumbled to myself. I would be starting school tomorrow.

Today I would unpack and settled into my 'new home'. "Alex, would you like something to drink? Or eat?" Mrs. Erica asked me from the doorway. "Nah, I'm good. Thank you though." I said with a smile. "Okay if you need anything, don't be afraid to ask," She called to me leaving the room, "By the way dear Mr. George, Jess's and my number are on the counter. George and are going to work. Call us if anything happens!"

At that I closed the door plugging in my headphones. Counting stars by OneRepublic came through the headphones and into my ears. Humming the tune of the song. I started to mumble the words when it ended. I grunted opened my eyes then The Monster came on I closed in agreement instead of changing the song. This was my sister's favorite song. I started to flashback to America.

_____________A year ago_______________

Replay by Zendaya was playing from behind the closed door. My sister was a wonderful dancer. Replay she danced to often. Making up dances often as she could. "Kelly, why don't you go for the scholarship to that dance school?" I said to my sister reminding her of her talent. "Alex you know I can't. I have to focus on school not dance." She said to me making an excuse that I know wasn't the real reason. "Fine can you take me to the music shop?" I said annoyed by her excuse. "Yeah grab your coat." Kelly said to me as she grabs her own. I saw the rain outside pulling on my hood I knew it was dangerous to drive in this weather but I had a job to attend to.

"Don't give me that look  Alex. I'm not going to apply. So stop trying to get me to." She said to me refusing to look at me. "Whatever! You're to scared to try for it." I said to her. "Alex, I need to get a good job, not be a dancer do you understand?", she looked at me, "Alex I said do y-". " Kelly look out."   I yelled but I was to late. The car hit the tree.

______________Flashback over_________

I sat up missing her. Missing Kelly, "I'm sorry Kelly." I myself. "Who's Kelly?"

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