Tradgey Flows (Short Story)

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    I step out of the car with my bloodshot eyes. I pull my beanie on over my bald head. My boyfriend, Robert, pulls me into a tight hug. Then Michell, one of my bestfriends, does the same. Since I have done my last chemo, my sickness has gotten pretty bad. We make our way inside and I sign myself  in. The doctor comes in shortly after and runs a few tests. He soon discovered that my Bronchogenic Carcinomas, also know as Lung Cancer, is the worst it has ever been. I have been given one week to live. They have tried everything they have been able to do but the Cancer is now taking over. They wrap me up into a tight hug as I start to sob.
    We leave soon after that with 5 new prescription drugs. "I wanna go get some more friends tonight and go to the park. We can have a picnic and tell everybody the news." I look down kinda starting to tear up from knowing that I may not make it much longer.
    "Yes of course baby girl!" Robert holds my hand.
    "I'm going to miss you all." I say as a small tear rolls down my cheek.
    "I don't know why you would Piper, Nobody's going anywhere. Not even you." replied   Michell who was giving me a small smile. I smile and pull into the driveway of Robert's family's house. I walk inside and his mom , Robin, engulfs me into a hug. I smile and hug back.
    "I'm going to call up some friends for that picnic tonight and see if they will come. Mom will you make some food and snacks for tonight?" Robert asks.
    "Of course I will!" she exclaims as she grabs her keys and slips her shoes on and heads out the front door heading to Walmart. After that, Me, Robert, and Michell sit at the kitchen table and start calling some of our closes friends.
    Later that afternoon, I change into some skinny jeans, Vans, and a grey sweater along with a black beanie and I slide it on over my bald head. I walk into the bathroom and put on some concealer and powder, along with my winged eyeliner and mascara. "This may be the last time I put makeup on." I think to myself. "Might as well look my best.". My friend, Randall, runs in and hugs me, spinning me around in the hug since he is taller than me and I'm smiling and giggling.
    "I just drove here from hours away just to see you! I miss you guys!" Randall exclaims smiling.
    "Neither can I! Where is everyone else?" I ask.
    "downstairs" he smiles and holds my hand helping me down, since my lungs suck. I get to the last step and there they all were.
    After about an hour the crew was ready and all the food and drinks were packed along with lots of blankets and pillows, also with some other surprises. We walk out of the house and out to the cars and we start driving to the park. I pull out my cell phone and send Robert a quick text since he is already there setting up.
    We get there and everyone looks around amazed. Their was about fifty candles, blankets, and pillows all around. I get out and we grab the picnic baskets and all go sit down. I open the snack and drinks and start eating along with everyone else. Jessica and Anna are laughing and sharing what has been going on and I smile. I haven't seen my sister Anna in about a year since she lives four hours away. I realize It's getting about time for me to tell them what's going on and why we are all gathered here today. "So, I want to talk to you guys about something pretty important." I say as everyone focusses on me and a tear rolls down my cheek and I look down.
    "What's up girl?" Jessica asks kinda worried as I can hear it in her voice.
    "Well I have gathered you all here today, to say that I only have..." I start coughing out vigorously. I start choking not being able to breath. Is this the end? Tears start running down my face as everyone surrounds me as I clench my throat gasping for air.
    "Call 911!" Robert screams as he is crying. "Baby stay with me!" He says as he like lightly hits my cheeks trying to keep me awake. I notice Michell in the background having a panic attack and Randall, Cole, and Adam trying to calm her down. I look back up at Robert quickly, then at Anna on the phone crying and then that's when I realize. I am going to die tonight.
    I see myself. I'm now in what seem to be a hospital bed. All alone in the dim room. I see all the tubes and machines I'm hooked up to. Am I a ghost now? I walk about into the hall and to the waiting room. I see Robert. "Baby! Can you hear me?" I scream at the top of my lungs on my knees and see that he is crying. He can't hear me and neither can the others. They are all sad. I look over and I see my sister wrapped up in her Husband's arms. I wish I was with Robert right now. All of a sudden I see the doctor coming down the hallway looking kinda down and my family and friends stand up urgently, wanting to hear the News.
    "I'm so sorry." He pauses. "There is no way she is gonna make it.". All I really see is Robert hit the ground crying his eyes out. As I see him my heart tears to shreds. I didn't even get to say goodbye. I see everyone heart broken. And at that moment, I took my last breath...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2016 ⏰

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