Fallen Angel

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"Take a knee angel!"

"What the hell do you care if I take a knee!?"

Adam has just stolen the crown jewel and is about to be stripped of his rights to be an angel and stay in heaven. Jacob is confronting him about what he has done.

"You know that it was not right for you to do that."

"Yeah so..."

"So now I have to strip you of the right... Adam what are you doing?!"

Adam slides his bright shiny silver dagger across Jacob's throat. Jacob falls to the ground choking and sputtering his own blood. George came onto the cloud ship deck where the evil angels are thrown overboard to the mortal world. He saw Jacob laying in a pool of his own blood. He immediately throws Adam overboard.

"Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!" Adam screams as he falls down to earth his voice trailed away.

"Hey. Hellloooo. Wake up." Said Lydia
"Are you ok you fell right through my roof. Hey what are you doing."

Adam ran at her with the same  dagger that he killed his brother with.


And with that Lydia was dead. Adam went in the kitchen and grabbed a butcher knife to match the size of his dagger and lay it next to Lydia on the floor. Adam fled the house and called the cops but told them it was suicide. When the police arrived nothing pointed back to Adam.

         ..... TO BE CONTINUED.....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2016 ⏰

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