In which Ladybug questions Chat's sanity

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(Original artist: Spatziline • Comic Dub: Princess Sakura Serenity)

"HAND OVER YOUR MIRACULOUSES OR SUFFER THE CONSQUENCES!" A deep but monotonous voice reverberated throughout the streets of Paris before the owner of the voice was smacked in the face with a steel baton.

"What? Other than hearing you sing?"

Chat Noir taunted the newest Akuma, creating distraction for Ladybug's plan to come together.

Apparently Bruit Blanc was harshly "critiqued" on auditions for a musical. The producers told them that his droning voice would put everyone to sleep and that his voice was simply white noise.

Well the producers weren't wrong now. Bruit Blanc had the power to put anyone to sleep with his voice should they listen long enough, which was a minimum of 5 minutes.

Chat Noir danced around the Akuma, careful not to step on any of the sleeping citizens or allow Bruit Blanc to go near them and annoying him all the while Ladybug was setting up a trap for the Akuma out of the corner of his eye.

Even though he and Ladybug were wearing ear plugs, the effects of the Akuma's power started to affect with the duo yawning occasionally and wondering where would be a good place to sleep at that moment.

Ladybug's plan was for Chat to lead Bruit Blanc to her, once she gave the signal, where there was a carefully laid out trip-wire trap that would trap the Akuma long enough for Ladybug to stuff a polka-dotted handkerchief in his mouth, preventing him from boring anyone else with his voice.

"-just have to add another wife there and- PERFECT! CHAT NOIR!" Ladybug frantically waved over to Chat, signalling that everything was prepared.

He smirked back at her and winked, making her eyes at him, and dutifully lead the Akuma to where she was hiding.

She held her breath as Chat Noir looked like he was on the verged of passing out but silently cheered her kitty as the Akuma was extremely close to where the trip wire was.

Unfortunately, instead of Bruit Blanc falling for the trap, Chat finally gave into the Akuma's droning voice and tripped over the wire himself.

Also unfortunately, Ladybug didn't notice the wire had also conveniently wrapped around her ankle.

In those seconds of getting tangled up with Chat Noir in their own trap, Ladybug thought about how this resembled the cliches where the rope gets caught around the main character's foot and they end up in the position of Ladybug and Chat Noir.

He smiled sheepishly at him while she frowned at the tangled mess, trying to figure out how to get out.

"Sorry m'lady..."

"Chat don't be sorry, just help me figure a way out of he-"


Okay Ladybug and Chat may have not been holding onto each other for dear life because holy crap is this the end?

While the duo squeezed their eyes shut at the eminent doom of having their identities revealed, blur of yellow and black sped around the Akuma.

Surprised at how long the Akuma was taking to remove their miraculouses and the fact that his voice was no longer a bother, Ladybug hesistantly opened her eyes for her jaw to drop at the scene before them.

Ladybug heard Chat gasp in surprise but paid no attention to him as he gaze narrowed at the sight of the newcomer.

She was dressed up in a yellow and black skin-tight bodysuit her blonde her in a ponytail, pinned up with two black ribbons acting as antennas and a small bee-shaped come which Ladybug guessed was her miraculous but was still wary.

What caught her off guard though was the stranger standing on top of Bruit Blanc with him tangled up in her weapon which was a top-spinner, with a familiar polka-handkerchief stuffed in his mouth and muffling all the angry curses which were definitely not PG.

The girl's ice-blue eyes, which were guarded by a matching yellow and black mask, flitted to where Ladybug and Chat were currently tangled up and let out a very fangirlish squeal which made the duo shudder in familiarity of a certain blonde girl which plagued both their lives.


Chat bristled against his partner and was lost in thought.

Queen Bee seemed very familiar to him. In fact he was certain that they were the same person.

Absolutely no doubt about it!

"Chaton what do you think of this?" Ladybug murmured in his eyes as the yellow and black hero continued to list the possibilities of the three working together to save Paris. Chat Noir gave a neutral grunt. If this was who he thought she was then he'd probably be more ecstatic but he could tell that his lady didn't quite trust Queen Bee yet and decided to share his conclusion to who it was to Ladybug.

Hopefully that'll make her open up a bit more to Queen Bee.

He cleared his throat and murmured back at her.

"She seems familiar to me." Chat started. Ladybug gave him a questioning look and he elaborated.

"I'd recognise that face anywhere..." Looking at Queen Bee again, still caught in her ramblings with a squirming Akuma under her feet and he was certain.

"It's Marinette."

He was met with a flat look from his lady.

A flat look from 'Marinette'.

A flat look from Bruit Blanc who looked like he wanted to cleanse the Akuma himself just so that he could bash his head against the wall somewhere in frustration.

Somewhere in a dark room, Hawkmoth's face palm was so loud that everyone in the world had now set a stupid trend on imitating the noise.

Somehow, Sabine and Tom Dupain-Cheng was walking around the area and gave their future son-in-law disapproving tsks.

Hell, even the sleeping Akuma victims had traces of annoyance laced on their sleeping features.

Chat Noir also could've sworn that he heard a million fans groaning at the density of the beloved cat hero.

All while the poor kitty didn't know what he did to deserve this.

Ladybug was internally screaming and wanted to produce another Lucky Charm in the form of a water spray.

I have blue-black hair.


[A.N: I was going to actually update my other fics (and maybe start on the Tangled AU) but then I watched the video above and I was like "FUCKING FANFIC" so here have this trash I'm really tired. Also Bruit Blanc means "white noise" in French]

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2016 ⏰

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