letter 41

37 2 0

october 19
4.21 am

and this is only the beginning

dear plusle,

i miss you so much. this week has been hell. and its only the middle of it.

how do you not struggle like i do?

i'll recap for you.

monday: found out my mom thinks i'm a psycho fat bitch who's basically just a waste of space, attempted suicide (early in the morning), failed said attempt, spent most of my monday off my fucking rocker (i was high as shit)

tuesday: was still kinda high as shit, had more than one breakdown, cried myself to sleep that morning

wenesday: watched b99 until i snorted, talked to that one guy who ruined my life

so yeah, it's been an eventful three days!

i need you right now. i really do. but i hope you're kicking major ass in bootcamp.

i love you,

although it feels just like the end

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