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He stands, the cigar poised between his dark red lips, held by the two fingers on his right hand. The other? In his trouser's pocket, although his posture is stiff, controlled and well mannered. His black suit is flipped at the bottom where his hand is in his pocket, obviously a few sizes two big. Or maybe it's his lean but tall figure that makes the suit sag. Either way with the crisp white shirt, ironed to a T, and a flawless black tie to complete his look, the young man had etiquette beaming from every orifice of his body. His short black hair was slicked back smartly, and his deep brown eyes blew hot and cold whenever the moment presented itself. 

All in all this man was every inch a gentleman, so passersby could not understand why he was standing in what they claimed to be a 'freak show', standing over the body of a dead girl. He would be gone by the time the police got there, that was for sure. But he could never escape the watchful eye of the girl at the second story window, watching the man as he replaced his hat - which every good man wore - before merging back into the stream of passers by on the street. She placed her young head against the window, hugging her cream teddy bear to her chest. Her mass of curly auburn hair was thrown hastily into a fancy braid, although it took more time than it looked, her hair was just a mass of curls, making everything she did look untidy and messy.

The 9 year old girl sighed, as a small hiccup came from her small frame, racking what figure she had, as a small tear rolled down her face. She didn't remember how, but all she knew was she was directly where the girl fell onto the street below, landing on the now blood soaked pavement, and she had the vague gnawing feeling in the back of her mind that she did it.

With a name like Asasino, who wouldn't think a freak like her did it?


The door creaked open, the light from out side was thrown across the room diagonally, slicing through my sleep like a knife through butter. I groggily opened my eyes, sat up, and rubbed them. I yawned, and saw the 9 year old with the messy hair standing there. She was only 2 years younger than me, but I still felt decades older.

"Trudy?" Her small voice croaked.

"Yes Mazà?" I yawned, stretching out and wishing she would let me sleep at this ungodly hour.

"Trudy, I'm scared." My arms fell. As much as I wished her gone, I knew I couldn't hate her for that. I had been here 2 years, and at times it still felt a little scary.

"Come here." I said, shifting over and opening my arms at her. She ran into them, small legs tucked under her as she fell onto the bed and snuggled her small face into my arms. The light coffee coloured teddy bear she always carried looked as though it's head was going to pop off at how tight she hugged it. She hiccuped. She was crying.

I gently stroked her hair.

"Mazà," I began gently. "What scared you?" She hiccuped again, and as she spoke I heard her words were strangely slurred, and maybe a little more than what crying would do.

"Trudy, someone's out there." Her words came out as if her tongue was swollen, but I dismissed it.

"Mazà, Mazà, Mazà." I tutted. Hugging her tighter.

"Come one, lets get you to bed." I picked her up, she was so small and fragile it was easy, but as I was going to leave, someone came in.

"Oh, I was just taking Mazà back." I placed her again on my bed. They moved towards me. I stepped back.

"Wh-wh-what are you doing?" I asked. Mazà woke up, and saw me, just before the I tripped and the top of the window came into view, then the sky. A deep blue, stars scattering but the sun was coming up in the east. A deep orange, mixed with blue and purple and pink. That stayed in my mind, long after I hit the ground.

I was apart of the orange. The swirling colours.









Hope you enjoyed! Please like and comment if you did, and if you see anything I could improve on, please let me know! Thanks!

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