A hard reality or an illusion?

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I like you and you ignore me
I spent every waking moment thinking about you but now I'm over you
I have a lot going on in my life and I don't need you
The only person worth keeping in my life is my best friend and that's the only person I need
You are not worth my time
You have 5 other girls chasing you, and I'm not one of them anymore
You lost me because you didn't appreciate me
I've liked you since 5th grade, we've been through ups and downs but that's all over now because you never once took a second to notice me
All you boys don't deserve a girlfriend, you treat us like an object that you can just replace so easily
Well guess what, in not your toy if you think I'm gonna chase after you forever, your wrong
I want someone to care for me and like me for who I am not someone who just dates me because I'm the next one on their little list
So guess what, good luck with life because you just lost a person that cares about you a whole lot more then you thought.


I say I'm over you but I'm not
I say I hate you but I don't
I wish I could just forget and move on but I can't
You won't let me go from your grip
Do you know?
Who told you?
Why would you torture me like this?
Do you like me do you not
It's like I can't even hear myself think
All I can do is think of you and think of what you think of me
Just tell me already do you or do you not like me?
I just wish I could leave all my thoughts and feeling behind and just not think for a day
I spend all my time thinking about us
Do we have an us?
Do you still love her?
Just tell me so I can move on!
Someday I wish i can read your mind in order to know what you really think of me
I like you there I said it so just stop playing with me
You love me
You love me not
You love me
You love me not
I don't know anymore


Use of
I fight and fight for the right to be in your site but why?
I shouldn't have to fight
I should be first priority or not one at all

Do you or do you not?
Yes or No?
Why or why not?
Real or Fake?
There simple questions so why can't you answer?
Why am I forced to guess and make a fool of myself if I'm wrong?
Just say something !!
I'm tired of guessing games just tell me what your thinking behind that poker face of yours.
If not me then who? if not now then when?
Be direct and tell me, don't torture me by making me see you with them and not knowing if I even have a shot
All I need is one word, one word to give me hope to keep fighting against everyone else
Even a nod will suffice
Just give me clue

Look I like you there I said it
I've liked you since 5th grade
I just never told you because I was scared that that would ruin our friendship and that you probably don't feel the same way
So there I said it I LIKE YOU
I like you, but you never once took notice in me
You are around 5 other girls that like you and you never once came over to me to say hi how are you
Instead you walk right past us like where invisible
So yea I like you, just please don't tell anyone
I think I've had enough humiliation for a day

When I talk to you I'm happy
You make me smile and laugh
It's at those moments that I think "maybe I have a shot maybe he feels the same way"
And then I see you with all of them and I start to doubt myself "does he text them like he texts me? Do his text mean nothing?"
When we talk it's like the rest of the world doesn't even matter because your there
I'm on cloud 9 and nothing could make me sad
And then a storm hits, and I fall off my cloud
A storm of doubt and fear, fear of losing you, fear that you like someone but it's not me
When you ask me what's wrong? why are you sad?
That why
I care about you a lot more then you will ever know

I'm not scared of the laughing or the taunting
I'm scared of the silence and unsureness my question will bring

All I want to do is hug you
Hold you tight in my arms and tell you that I love you
For the rest of the world means nothing to me if you don't see the real me
I think Of you day and night not knowing if you thing of me the same way
I think I'm better of forgetting I ever met you
But then I see you smile and I know that it's impossible to forget a smile like that

I see you with them and I'll admit I get jealous
The way you talk to them
The way you look at them
I get jealous
I get jealous because even thought I want to believe this is not true deep down I know you will never look at me like that
Everyone says they like you and everyone tells me that this will just be a passing phase
But it's not
I don't blame anyone else for liking you
How could they not?
I blame myself for not being able to tell you how I feel

I don't understand how one human being can care so much about another human being that they would give up the world for them even if the other person wouldn't.
Love is a crazy thing
What is love anyway?
A symbol
And idea
An illusion
Who knows
All I know it that it's a powerful spell you can't break free form
You fight for it because you think it completes you but in the end it just breaks you and tears you apart
I wish love was much more simple
I wish you could just go up to someone and say hey I like you and nothing would be wrong with that but in reality society makes you think that it's wrong for liking someone.
Everyone makes it seem like a sin for liking a person. But that's wrong
Wouldn't it be simpler if you could express how you feel?
Have you ever thought of how many people would be happy and in love right now if they could express how they felt
It's 3 words that seem like 5,000 when you say them
It's three words that in that very moment could change your life forever
I'm tired of being scared I can't keep looking at people take my opportunities and taking people I love away from me
I like you ------- ------- I don't care if you don't feel the same way or it ruins our friendship this is eating me alive
I can't think
I can't sleep
I can't life
All I do is think of you and what if you love me too?
Do you?
(My perspective on life)

I see you sad and that makes me sad
Even if no one else cares know that I care
Even if no one else sees behind you're fake smile know that I do
Don't ever think that there is no one out there that cares, your wrong
I care
I car a lot
I care more then you will ever know
I wish you cared half as much as I care for you but I don't think you ever will
You know that time I looked sad
It was a test
I wanted to see if you would ask me what's wrong if you really cared
And you did
When you say that we are friends I get happy because I know that even if you don't care for me in the same way I at least you care about me
I care

Love is A disease that can't be cured it eats you alive

Love is something the eye can't see
The mind can't understand
And the heart can't predict

I think I have a shot
I think this could happen
He talks to me in a way I know he doesn't talk to others
He shares his hopes and dreams with me
And I do the same
I want it to be be true
I want him to too feel the same way
But what if he doesn't?
I'm just setting myself up for something that will never come
But I'm not scared anymore
I have have a response for you.
If you ever come to realize how I feel and you ask me if I like your answer will simply be
"Don't ask questions you already know the answer to"

You showed me you didn't care so I showed you the door


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