a fight that ended good

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"Dean I'm sorry I didn't kno-" "You didn't know what, Cas? That the vamp nest was crawling with blood-sucking monsters? You didn't know that at any moment you me OR Sam could've died or worse, gotten turned?!"

Dean slightly screamed at the Angel while putting everything back into the trunk of his car. "No, Dean, I knew that." Cas responded sourly at his companion's remark. "Then tell me, Castiel, what did you not know?"

Silence. "I-I'm sorry Dean." The celestial being whispered, a little hurt at his friends tone of voice directed towards him. 'I'm sorry that I'm having internal battles with myself and am confused about so much in my life at the moment.

I'm sorry that I think I might be in love with you.' He said in his mind - he could never say those words out loud. The hunter sighed and spoke, "It's fine Cas. You were just a bit - and by 'a bit' I mean a lot - off today. We all have those days. I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. I shouldn't have yelled at you at all. I'm sorry." Dean apologised.

"Dean, you don't have to apologise. It was my fault that you almost died. I'm the one who should be sorry, and I am." They hugged it out and entered the car, Sam and Dean in the front - Dean driving obviously - and Casin the back seat. 'They are so in love.' Sam secretly thought as he smiled to himself.

"What?" Dean looked at him confused. "Hmm? Oh, nothing. Just thinking." Sam didn't stop smiling the whole car ride back to the motel. Dean didn't stop wondering why Sam was smiling about the whole car ride back the motel.
Cas didn't even have to ask Sam ; he knew why he was smiling. Sam knows about Cas' situation and about his crush on Dean since he told him almost a year back.

Sam knew about Dean's crush on Cas since told him just under a year ago.
That night, he decided, he'd tell them both about the other. 'I can't believe I actually ship these two. I can't believe they don't see it, it's so obvious.' He thought as they pulled up to the dull but quite nice motel.


"Hey Dean can I talk to you for a moment?" It had been an hour since they got home and Sam had almost forgotten about his plan. Dean nodded and made his way to a separate room following his brother. "What's up Sa-"

"You need to go out there and kiss Castiel right now. He told me that he likes you. A while ago, actually. I was trying to see if you two could figure it out on your own, but that obviously didn't work out because you two are so damn blind that you can't see that you two really like each other."

About half way through his speech Dean' face lit up. "Really?" "Yes! Now go!" Sam said laughing and pushing Dean out of the room. Dean walked out to find Cas sitting at the table looking at the news articles sprawled out in front of him trying to see if they had another case.

"Cas..." Dean half whispered as he walked up to Cas and sat down next to him. He just looked up and immediately was met by a pair of lips against his own, kissing him. It took him about four seconds to register what was going on until he got it and started to kiss back.

Sam was smiling uncontrollably and doing a little dance. After they separated Cas just looked down while smiling profusely as he thought of the previous event and entwined his hand with Dean's. "Wow. I guess there's no need to tell you that I've liked you for a while now."

"Me too." Dean responded. There was a 5 second silence before the two said at the same time : "I love you."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2016 ⏰

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