The Sun

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     Imagine a sun. A radiant, beautiful, summer sun shimmering through the holes of torn curtain sound the sweet sound of 80's Rock. The next five minutes was all downhill from there. A loud pound on my door scraped through Bohemian Rhapsody  and ruined the savory sweet cake which was my day. As the door swung open I shut my laptop and slid it under my "bed".

     "Morning sunshine." it was him. The epitome of  a douche canoe. He wore a scrappy white cutoff and even scrappier (and smellier) camouflage shorts.  "Sorry I just ate the rest of all your guy's donuts." 

     "You're such a piece of sh-" I held my breath. I knew a crisp backhand would be in for me if I didn't.

     " Piece of what?" I gulped. "That's what I thought. Young boys should know better than to disrespect a veteran." Douche hole got dishonorably discharged for improper use of fire arms. 

     Idiot. He shut the door and left. I pulled out a n old  mp3 and cranked up Come and Get Your Love. I folded my clothes from the night before and walked out of my room. Mom was gone, thank God. I may not be a "Follower of Jesus" but I've learned to count blessings. The stench of prison rape and skittles showed me that Shane (Douche Hole) had already marked his territory. But he'ed be gone in a week after he finally puts his hands on mom again. I guess the hard bloody conflict of being a reserve made him violent. My cheeks ( butt and face ) were raw from the smacking. 

     Man I'm hungry. I walked over to the cupboard and reached for a dough- never mind. I guess breakfast is over rated. Maybe Ill just walk to the gas station for somethin'. I dunno. Today was a crisp, warm, summer Saturday and breakfast wouldn't take that away. 

     In search of usefulness, I decided to get my crap out of the boxes. Some of Shane's stuff was in there. I took my things and stayed away from that one. Some smelly socks, five LEGO blocks and some cassette tapes and a portable (fancy right) cassette player. That's where all my David Bowie and Freddie Mercury songs lived. I have an older taste it's true, but songs from the 80's and 90's had emotion. They told a stories of sex, drugs, death, and love. If you want to listen to a twerk team song that's fine. 

     Bad Medicine  had come to an ending when another large pounding  almost destroyed my door.  I paced to the door and like a fine gentleman, I-  get this - opened it! And here's where the story takes off.

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