The Ugly Girl Gets The Alpha (Interracial)

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All my life people have been telling I'm ugly. My mom and dad told at young age that I'm not ugly I'm just different looking which didn't help me with my self esteem at all. everyone in my pack calls me ugly but not infront of my parent they do it behind their backs.

''Hey ugly your in my.'' Said emily one of the most popular girls in my highschool and the daughter of the alpha of my pack. 

''Oh sorry Emmy.'' I said calling her nickname when were friends back in middle but since we came to highschool she change and started treating me like shit.

''Don't ever call me that.'' She barked in my face so everyone can hear, A crowd gathered around us as soon as Emily started to yell. 

''I'm sorry.'' I said walking away as fast I could from all the crowd of people that was already starting to laugh at me. 

''You better be sorry you ugly BITCH.'' I heardher  say when I was half way down the hall way which made everybody laugh even more. 

I don't know why she hates me so much I didn't even do her anything. I thought she was my friend who I could trust but it turns out I was wrong. Me and Emily use to be so close now she won't even look like me. The wrost part is that she has my parents tricked that me and her are still bestfiend and she protects me when kids are calling me ugly. 

Sometimes I just wanna run away and become a rogue but I know if I do I will be chase down by my back and be killed. My pack believes that we should all stick together no matter what cause where all family if your decision is to to runaway then you'll be hunted and killed. But I don't feel like family, I feel like the enemy. 

''Kimmy I have some good news to tell you.'' My mom said coming into my room without knocking I don't know how much time where going to go over this with my parents I told to knock before enter but they never do. 

''Ma why don't you ever knock what if I was naked that wouldn't be a pretty ight to see.''I said to my mom who was smiling from ear to ear.

''I gave you birth I've seen you naked plenty of times.'' She said coming close to me trying to spread her positive energy on to me shich won't work. 

''Why are you so happy mom or we moving?'' I ask her all excited but deep down knew we couldn't but the fantasy still lives deep down within me where I don't live here with this pack anymore. 

''No don't be silly we don't leave family Kimmy.'' My said pinching my cheecks like I was little girl just learning about the rules of the pack. 

''Yea yea I know mom.'' I said to her reoving her hands from face not wanting her to touch my pimples my face easliy gets irritated. 

''How was school today kimmy you look sad.'' She said looking at my face her smile that she jumping each second she looks at me. 

''Yea everything was good.'' I said to her not wanting to break her heart my parents thing I'm finally doing good at school becaus I stopped complaining about the kids calling me ugly. I just didn't want to burden my parent with it naymore so I just pretend everything is fine. 

''Ok I'm glad so guess what your I founded out today.''She smiling happily again. 


''The Alpha of the Half Moon Rises Pack is coming to our pack in search of his mate.'' My mom screamed jumping up down like a teenager. 

''Calm down mom what does that have to do with me.'' I know for a fact I'm not his mate most likely its going to be Emily shes beautiful plus shes the Alphas daughter so she'll get him either way. If I ever find my mate hes going to reject me and find aonther person to take my place everyone says that so its got to be true.

''Because this might be your chance to find a mate baby girl.'' She starting to go through my closet searching for clothes I sighed. 

''Mom he's not my mate so don't waste your time.'' I said to her leaving the room to go to the bathroom using ot as an excuse to not wanting to see my mothers face. 

Jack's P.O.V

''I can't believe your making me do this father I'm not ready to find my mate.'' I said to my father who is forcing me into finding my mate for unknown reasons. 

''Son your going to be Alpha it's time you find Your luna to complete the pack.'' 

''The pack is fine why can't I find my mate on my own not you forcing me to do it.'' The reason why I don't want to find mat eis because I like being single and I know if I find my mate then things are going to change. 

''You should be thankfull I'm doing this for you most people don't ever find their mates here your getting a chance to find her faster than others but your being ungrateful.'' He yelled and throwing her silver vase acroos the room. 

''Where going to the One blood pack to find your mate and if we don't find her then were going to keep going to pack until we do do get FUCKING ready now.'' He screamed and left the room with just me and my thoughts in it. I hate when he gets like this all controlling and none can say nothing to him. 

I got dress I wore nothing fancy cause what if I don't find my mate and look like a idiot dressing up to be disappointed so I wore a simple plaid hollister shirt and a navy cargo pants and a converse. I went down stairs to see my mom with a smile on her face. 

''Your father is in the car please no fighting.'' She said playfully but serious at the same time. 

''Ok I'll try by mom.''I walked out of the ddor to fathers mercedes where he had beta jimmy driving the car I went into the back without saying anything. It was the quiet car ride ever.when we got their was a person who lead us to the main house where they had the alpha his wife and beta. 

''Welcome peter old friend.'' The alpha greeted my father they gave each other a manly hug and handshake which look stupid in my opinoin. 

''So this is your boy.'' He siad pointing to me with a sly smile on his face which look creepy to me. 

''Yup.'' My dad said panting me on my shoulder which made tense up. 

''So where are the lovely girls that my son can pick his mate from.'' My father said eagerly more excited than me, I wasn't excited one bit. 

''Oh yes.'' The Alpha calped his hand and some beautiful girls walked making a straight line in front of me. They had the widest smiles on their faces which made me wonder if it didn't hurt. The alpha's daughter was in front of everybody which wasn't fair for everyone else. But it doesn't matter cause my mate wasn't her I would've smelt her already. 

''She's not here father.'' My father gave me sad look like he fel sorry for me but I was fine just means I'm still single ready to mingle.

''Are you sure?'' The alpha ask looking at his daughter and back to me trying to give me hint like I should still choose her. 

''Yea my mate is not here.'' I said to him shaking my head trying to get my point through to him that I won't pick his daughter shes not my mate. 

''Oh sorry old friend.'' My father said to the alpha.

We were walked back outside by the same person who walked us intot he main house just as I was about to go into the car I smelt something magnifiscent.



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