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Kara had slept for much of the time she'd been in the hospital; exhausted both mentally and psychically from the past twenty-four hours. All the while, her daughter napped beside her in a bassinet wearing fresh, white flannels.

Another disturbing dream had startled her awake, though, and she now sat staring across the white room, looking to the couch where Becky had curled up in a heap of blankets, her hair wild around her. Not once had the blonde left Kara's side since Emma's birth twelve hours before, and she was thankful for her continued friendship through all the turbulence the last couple months of her life.

The sunshine filtering caused her to squint and she guessed it was late morning but before her eyes could find a clock, the room's door opened. Millie and Rose, James' aunt and grandmother, entered on cue, dressed in the season's best attire as usual. Oh, great. Here we go, Kara thought as she rubbed a hand over her face.

Snapping to life, Becky bounced from the couch to her feet in record time. "H-hi!"

Rose greeted her, walking straight to Kara. "And how are you, my dear?" She put a hand on Kara's shoulder in tenderness, wearing an expression that reminded her of James, that same, blatant concern.

Kara winced from the uneasiness she felt in her core. "Alright, a bit sore."

"Of course." Rose leaned gently over the bassinet as Millie joined the older woman at her side. "Oh my, she's just perfect, Kara."

Millie's placid stare at the child made Kara nervous; she didn't need her approval, but she almost wanted it.

"She's tiny." Millie's eyes inspected Emma, touching the baby's fingertips.

"They-they said she's healthy."

"That's good." Turning on the tip of her pointed shoes, Millie strode over to Becky. "Andrew will need you to come home once he's out of this shift. It's wearing him out."

Becky tensed, frowning. "Is he okay?"

"We're unsure," Millie said, "he doesn't seem to want to be mobile. Garrett thinks it's due to extreme exhaustion."

Kara wanted to ask about James, but she didn't have to, she knew her husband was alright.

"Will they clear you to come home soon, Kara?" Millie looked over her charts at the end of the bed like they made sense to her.

"I think they'll let us go tomorrow morning."

"That is great news!" Rose smiled. "Now, the real question, may I hold her?"

"Of course." Kara produced a meek smile for the older woman.

Rose picked up the newborn in a delicate cradle. "She is lovely!"

Millie gave the child another look. "Yes, precious. I'm going to get a tea; I'll be back in a few moments." She walked from the room, and once the door closed, Becky wiped a few trickling tears.

"Are you okay?" Kara asked, noticing her crying.

Becky's nod wasn't convincing. "I'm just worried about Andrew."

"I wouldn't worry," Rose said, staying focused on the baby in her arms. "Andrew will recover."

The crease that formed across Becky's forehead with worry sent Kara's anxiety into a frenzy. "He's not used to shifting, Rose."

Still not understanding all the logistics, Kara did know that James rarely shifted, and it made sense Andrew also fell into that category. "Is it because they're not allowed?" Kara asked.

KINDRED (Heart of Hunters, #3)Where stories live. Discover now