The Night Before

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As Beau walked into school he looked at the settling snow and saw as it would get condensed under the feet of the other pupils. The frost bit at Beau's face but he didn't mind it, he loved the snow and the frosty chill it brought.

It was the Monday 17th of December the last week of the Christmas term and Beau couldn't wait for the term to end.

It was Beau's favourite lesson first and he couldn't wait, it was English and his class was doing poetry and this day everyone was writing their own and the best one would win a prize and Beau really wanted to win, he didn't know why but he really did.

Walking into his class he saw someone sat next to the seat next to his. This really confused Beau, no one ever sat next to him. Who is that? Thinking about it more and more it hit him that he must be the new student he heard about he was new here and wanted to come straight to school for some reason instead of an extra week off school. Beau walked in and sat in his seat and got out his book.

"Can I borrow a pen?" The strange new boy said to him. His voice was strong and intense but quiet almost as if he was scared.

"Sure you can... Sorry what is your name?" Beau said handing him a pen. His grip was strong suiting his voice perfectly.

"My name is Elliott." As he said this he grabbed a note book and opened it to a clean page. Beau watched as he did it and saw a lot of poems, even though he could only see some lines they seemed as if it was almost professional as if he wanted to make a career out of it. During the lesson Beau and Elliott found out more about each other, they had so much in common Beau thought to himself they both loved poetry and they were both gay. Elliott told about how when he came out in his old school how he was bullied and how he would be beaten up after school every day and how he had four ribs broken, his arm broken and jaw dislocated. All Beau could think is why would someone do this?

It was the end of the lesson and the teacher said how "the winner would be chosen by Friday the 24th."

Throughout that day all Beau could think about was Elliott. His beautiful blue eyes like pools of water that dripped into Beau's soul, they contrasted so strongly to his pitch-black hair and almost ghost white skin. Beau's version of perfect.

Over the next couple days Beau and Elliott got to know each other so well, their personalities, everything even their past, the good and the bad. Elliott found out about how Beau used to get bullied and had to go through therapy and how he suffers from depression and Beau learnt more about how Elliott was bullied and all the times he had to go to hospital and have surgery because of the beatings, he also found out his dad used to beat him for who he was but Elliott told how he and his mother got away and are safe now. Slowly, Beau and Elliot's love blossomed and they soon said those words, "I love you." And they meant it with all their heart, and best of all they didn't care what other people thought.

It soon came to the day before Christmas and everyone were giving presents to each other and Beau and Elliot were no exception, "Merry Christmas! Here's your present!" Beau passed a box to Elliott. "You didn't have to get me anything!" Elliott said as he began to unwrap the present. After all the wrapping paper had come off Elliott smiled and seemed to glow with happiness. "Thanks! I can't believe you got this!" Elliot said it was exactly what he wanted it was a note book with a fountain pen and it looked perfect, Elliott had been wanting it for a long time however he didn't have enough money to get it.

"You're welcome! I hoped you would like it."Beau said, he was so happy Elliott liked it.

"You get your present tonight. I'm still coming over right?"

"Of course you are!" Beau said. Inside he couldn't wait to see what Elliott would have for him.

The day seemed to zoom past Beau at almost light speed. "I will see you tonight at seven! Don't be late!" Beau said to Elliott as they parted there ways outside of the school gates. Beau rushed home to make sure everything would be perfect for Elliott when he arrived he got ready and waited for the time to reach seven, and it did.

But Elliott didn't show up.

Beau called him but he didn't answer his phone but this didn't affect him, Beau knew Elliott was always late and he rarely answered the phone, he was probably looking in the mirror doing his hair, that or he was walking the long way to get to Beau's house.

At five o'clock in the morning Christmas day Beau's phone began to buzz with a phone call, it was a number he had never seen before "Who would call at this time?" Beau said to himself as he picked up the phone. "Hello? Who is this?"

"Hello Beau, this is Elliott's mother" said the voice down the phone.

"Oh I'm sorry. Hello, how are you? What can I do for you?" Beau said in a typical happy tone.

"Elliott has died. I'm sorry Beau I thought you should be the first to know." The woman began to slowly brake into tears over the phone.

"What?... He... He's gone? What... What happened?" Warm tears began to run down Beau's face.

"He was walking to your home it seems and it was dark and he must have been tying his shoelace or something and a car hit him, it was quick and painless." The woman began to sob greatly over the phone. A deathly silence shrouded the call as beau's brain connected the words he just heard. 'Dead?' His voice no louder than a whisper, all joy in his tone lost, replaced by a winded snap, like beaus very heart had been punctured

"No... No he can't be dead, he can't be!" Beau broke down with a pain he felt it in his chest a burning, stabbing pain, straight into his heart.

"He loves you Beau he really does..."

Beau smiled through his tears. "I love him as well."

"He showed me what he was going to give you Beau would you like to know what it was?" The mother said recalling the memory.

"Please tell me.." Beau said almost begging.

"It was a poem, I can't remember it perfectly but it was something like this...

My love for you can only get stronger,

No matter what I love you.

You let me wonder,

Will I ever stop saying I love you.

You are my world,

My everything.

And I want you to know,

You are perfect, I love you." She recited trying to remember f that was correct.

"Thanks, I will come over sometime and we can talk more but I must go, merry Christmas." Beau hung up tears hit the ground like comets striking the

Earth from above. And all he could think was.

"My love died the night before Christmas."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2014 ⏰

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