No one believe's the boy in the accident

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It was a cold stormy night in Chicago. The year is 1942. On a long narrow road, there was only one car on the road. The driver was tired from a long day of work. He had to go and pick up his son from school, His son was in high school. "Dad when are we going to be home?" The young man asked. "We should be home in a fe...." The middle aged man tried to say before they were interrupted by a dark figure in the middle of the road. "What was that?" His son asked. "Hold on!" The dad said as he went to turn the wheel to swerve from hitting whatever the dark figure was.When they swerved, they went over a small hill. The vehicle rolled down the steep hill. The middle aged man had more injuries than his son. He had blood running down his head; his son barely had a scratch on him, no broken bones or anything else that he might have gotten from the crash. "Dad are you alright?" The boy asked his father. There was no answer from his father."Dad! Dad, please wake up!" He yelled. There was still no answer. He pulled out his phone; which was in his pocket. He turned on the screen and tapped on the emergency caller; he put the phone up to his ear. "911 what's your emergency?" The sweet female's voice asked. "Help, my dad's unconscious, our car went over the hill!" The teenager said into the phone."Alright hang in there, help is on the way." The woman replied. "Please hurry, there's blood running down his face and he's not moving." The boy declared. "What is your name?" She asked. "It...its Michael." The boy stuttered. "Michael, can you see if your father has a pulse." She stated." It's faint but it's there." Michael said as he took his finger off of his dad's neck.Ten minutes later, Michael heard the sirens wailing loudly in their direction. "Help we're done here!" Michael screamed at the top of his lungs. "Hang on, we're on our way down there." The tall blonde officer announced. A few minutes later, there were two paramedics, three police officers down at the bottom of the hill. "How did you guys get down here?" One of the officers asked."We were just talking and we both saw a dark figure and my dad swerved the car to try and not hit the dark figure." Michael said to the officer. "Michael, we are going to get you out first; then we are going to get your father out of the car." The officer stated. "Okay." Michael replied. "Michael, I need you to turn your head in the opposite direction, we need to break the window so that we can get you out." The officer announced. "Send a couple firemen down here!" One of the paramedics screamed from down at the bottom of the hill. A couple of minutes later, there was two firefighters hooked on ropes coming down the hill. "On the count of three, we're going to break this window." The firefighter said to Michael. "One, two, three!" The officer screamed as both firefighters took a chiseler and broke the window."Michael, it's safe now; you can turn your head back around." One of the firefighters announced. As soon as the window was broken, they reached into the car and pulled him. "Alight buddy, we've got you." The dark haired firefighter said as he picked Michael up off of the seat of the car."Please, you've got to help my dad." Michael said as he started to cry. "Michael, we're going to get him out of there, now just let the paramedics check you out." The firefighter declared. "We need the jaws of life!" One of the firefighters yelled up the hill. "We're sending one down!" Another firefighter said from up on top of the hill. About a second later, there was an orange board, with the Jaws of Life sitting on top of it. When it made it down to the ground, the other firefighter ran over to where it was sitting at the unzipped the bag and grabbed it out of the bag."Here you go!" He said as he handed it to his partner. "I'm almost inside of the car." He said as he opened the driver's door. "Michael, we've got your dad, I need a board and some medical attention now!" The firefighter screamed."Does he have a pulse?" One of the paramedics asked. "No, he doesn't." The firefighter replied. "You better call it." The other paramedic said to his partner. "Time of death Eight- thirty- two P.M." The paramedic finished. "Why aren't you doing anything?" Michael asked. "I'm sorry Michael but it was too late, there was nothing that we could do." The officer stated. After the conversation was over, Michael saw a tall beast with blood shot eyes and eight hands coming towards him. "It's coming after me!" Michael screamed "Boy, there's nothing there; you're just hallucinating from all of the trauma that you've through tonight." The officer explained. "I know what I saw, I'm not hallucinating, it was real and it was just there a second ago." Michael announced. "Sure it was." The officer declared "Look officer, if I was going to lie about seeing a dark black figure, don't you think that I would have not reaction the same way when I saw it coming at me." Michael declared. "Until, we figure out what you may or may not have seen tonight, we can't be sure of believe if this creature dose exist." The officer informed. "What can we do about this, I don't believe that this was an accident, this creature chose us for some reason, I think that may be the reason why I and my dad could see him and you guys can't." Michael stated. "You may be right, but I think that you should come down to the station, we have a few question that we would like to ask you. Until, we find this creature and figure out what it is, you're going to be protective custody" The officer declared. "Alright, can I call my mom?" Michael asked. "Yes you can, can you do it on the way to the station?" The officer asked. Once the officer was finished talking, Michael nodded his head to inform the office that he understood everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2017 ⏰

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