Adventures in Unova 2

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Kai had just reached the end of town. She turned and looked back at her home town. Rarely had she ever left Aspertia besides going to visit Castelia a couple of times. She scanned the wide glassy pains. Her dreams were finally coming true. She could go off on her own and explore the world. It felt so surreal and she was afraid she'd wake from an amazing dream. She looked back at her Pokémon with a smile. "This is it guys!" She raised her foot to take her first step out of town when a voice called her out.

"Kai? Where are you going?" Kai turned back to the tall woman. Sitting at her feet was a Herdier. "Oh, Lenora!" Kai called in surprise. The woman strode over with her partner right at her side. "So where are you going?" "Out, out to explore the world. I'm finally going out." Lenora stood in front of Kai, crossed her arms and looked down at the girl.

"Thinking about taking on the Pokémon league?" "It was a thought." Lenora nodded. "You do know how to get to the League don't you?" Kai nodded, "Ah, you have to go through Victory Road." The woman gave her a stern look. "You have to beat all eight gyms." Lenora smirked, "That's right. And don't you think before you leave you should challenge the Aspertia gym?"

Kai's eyebrows went up. There was an Aspertia gym? Since when? Lenora had been a very close friend to Kai's family. She had been the leader of the Nacrene gym but gave up being a leader in order to study Pokémon and Pokémon legends more. Since then she moved to Aspertia and lived a normal life.

"I didn't know there was a gym here." Kai said a bit embarrassed. "Sure is, an old friend runs it. But you're not ready to fight him yet." She felt a pang in her empty stomach. "Don't think I'm being rude. I know more than anyone that you've got potential coming out your ears. But you've never battled anyone above rookie level. You need training before you can face up to a gym leader." Jasper made an annoyed growl. "I can battle with the other kids-" Lenora shook her head.

"You need to battle a more skilled trainer." She put her hands on her hips and grinned. "Someone like me!" Kai blinked and laughed. "Good one, Lenora." "I'm serious Kai, battling a former leader should be great practice. C'mon, lets go battle right now!" Lenora was a headstrong woman who never took 'no' for an answer. Plus Kai knew better than to argue with her.

She followed the woman back into the city and to the left. They walked in silence past the famous look out point and took a left in front of the Pokémon center. They continued down to the trainer school which had been closed for a month (to the happiness of all the kids). "Here she is. The new gym." Lenora announced. On the outside it looked the same as it always did. They entered the building and it too looked the same as it always did. There where rows of desks resting in front of the large black board. But what hadn't been there was a large doorframe leading to another room.

Lenora steered Kai through it and down the hall way to another door frame. They exited into the bright sunlight. Now Kai was impressed. There was a large yard with two full sized arenas. Past them were a small flight of stairs and a stage. Standing on the stage, surveying his new gym was the leader. Lenora brightened upon seeing him. "Cheren!" she called in her bellowing voice. The man cringed at her outburst but he too brightened. He hurried down the stairs and straight towards them. "Lenora! I was wondering when you'd show up." He looked over at Kai. "Who's this?"

Cheren was of normal height with choppy black hair. He wore a white shirt, red tie, blue pants and brown shoes. "A local, also a new trainer." Lenora said. Cheren nodded his head to Kai. "I'm Cheren, the new gym leader here." Kai smiled at him. His eyes suddenly sparkled. "Your Pokémon, are these your only ones?" Kai moved over to let him examine her team better. "Yes, I've had them since I was young. Jasper is my Haunter and Doma is my Makuhita."

"Interesting names. A ghost and a normal type, I can tell you like a wide variety of types? Not limited to one, hm?" "Alright relax, Cheren." Lenora said, "He's got a big brain and loves things like type advantages and disadvantages." "Yep, one of the things I enjoy most. Now, did you bring this young woman here to battle?" Lenora shook her head, "Not yet. Kid needs some training first and I thought I'd be a good practice battle." Cheren studied Kai's team and shrugged, "You're more then welcome to use my arena. I'd love to spectate this battle as well."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2013 ⏰

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