Summer "2014"

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                                                                  Summer "2014"                                       

Theres no food left in here, what were your plans for us to eat today?

I dont know, I was supposed to have money by now but things didnt work the way I planned.

Well I made it happen four days in a row, so I suggest you get moving or Im going to be looking out for self.

I was sitting on the love seat glaring at Ashley because she was fucking lazy and always looked to me to take care of us both. That was about to stop today. It would be easier on me to look out for myself anyway because the things I get would last longer than sharing with Hoover houch over there.

   The simple fact that all her lazy red bone ass could manage to do was watch t.v, hair, and chase broke ass niggas, and oh I forgot eat! Nothing else mattered to her, nothing seemed to interest her except when it was time to turn up or spend somebody else money. Then on top of that I had to hear some kind of sob story why she couldnt help as if I didnt have a sob story of my own. I could see if I had it like that I wouldnt trip. Well then again maybe I would after awhile because I still couldnt stand lazy people.

Why you throwing shade? Gah, you acting like I never helped. She looked at me then rolled her beady ass eyes back to the t.v.

News flash, we are both job less and have no family. Hell we practically friendless too, so you helping once or twice is not good enough, its a daily task to maintain. I had to walk in front of the screen to get her attention because of course she was half listening, all the while knowing I was right.

I was going to have to show her better than telling for enough was enough!

Little did Ms. Ashley know is that I still had $50 left that I would keep for me alone. I knew how much she liked smoking so I went to my room to roll up a bleezy that my home boy had given me the day before that I didnt smoke. I knew that would make her get friendly and act like she was half interested in changing things around.

Knowing she was predictacble, I really wanted to see just how much I could read her, I made sure to make it known that I had lit some fire up and waited for the change from her. Unbeknowst to her I wasnt sharing from that point on if she didnt work for it just like I had to do.

   Humans can be so predictable, easily influenced and persuaded by what I like to call as mind foolery. You know when they try to use reverse physcology on you to make you feel bad about something when the whole time they are the ones that should be feeling some type of way.

   When I finished rolling, my room was jumping like I had a whole pound in it, but it was all coming from my fat selfish bleezy. I walked into the living room as I was lighting it, making sure to observe her reactions out of my peripherial vision. Like suspected she smelled and spotted me with the loud, and her whole demeanor changed.

"Gurl, I knew you was going come through with something. Just the motivation I neeed." She had a phoney smile on like we were the best of friends again, like she wasn't acting like I was invisible a couple of minutes ago. I had a rude awakening for her.

"Sorry love, this blunt is put in only. Times are too hard!" I smiled, toted and walked to an empty kitchen just to rub it in her face somemore before going into my room to enjoy my dubbie and make a list of goals for the next day so could get a job. Something I can I assure you she wasn't doing.

Yelling from the couch becauseof course she was too lazy to get up, her combative words began.

"Oh forreal tho?! You going carry it like that with me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2016 ⏰

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