Death of The Army

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AN: I’ve put a few asterisks about which you can find relation to at the end. They’re just my little notes to you within the story, little things I think you should know as we go along. Also, the idea of Bray x Mair, who are siblings, came from Vampire Knight, where, for those of you that haven’t watched/read it, Yuuki and Kaname are siblings and engaged. Btw, Kanari is Mokamu’s wife. Enjoy (: 

Mokamu was stronger; he had just become the leader of hell. The entire army felt stronger, they’d all gone at least one level higher than they had been before. Bray and Mair, his close friends, were high up in the army. They had both remembered who they used to be, but decided to stay with the army, regardless of the fact they were no longer being controlled. Mokamu didn’t have to control them. They were his friends.

Mokamu never thought being like this would bring him friends. Never thought he’d be married to someone he loved and would do anything for. Mokamu’s powers made making new recruits to the army easily done, as it would search for a changer* and control them. Unfortunately for Mokamu, this brought in one changer who’s partner wasn’t happy.

Bray appeared, looking slightly weaker than normal. “Bray…are you ok?” Bray ignored his question and simply muttered: “A third of the army are not breathing.” Mokamu stopped.

“What?!” Bray didn’t have chance to reply as he fell, clutching his head, and stopped breathing. “BRAY!” Mokamu was expecting this. Bray’s sister and fiancée ((AN: to avoid confusion, this is the same person)) ran towards him. “Mo-kun, what’s happening? Half of the army aren’t breathing!”

“Half? It was a third!” Panic spread over Mokamu’s face. Everything he had worked for was dropping. “They are all dying? All my work…” Mokamu stopped. “This wouldn’t just happen by itself…someone has got to be doing this.”

“Mum…” Calais muttered softly as she appeared, spotting Mair, her mother, sobbing over  Bray. “I heard what’s happening. Mokamu, it’s now three quarters of the army. But I’m too young to be in the army, so is Brandon, so we’ll help you. Calais is Bray and Mair’s youngest, their daughter.

“Three quarters?” Mokamu asked, tears coming to his eyes as Mair began to struggle for her breath.

“Mokamu…it’s now ninety percent of the army.  I’m sorry, but eventually, all but one of the army won’t be breathing anymore.” Mokamu caught the meaning of the end of her sentence.

“All but one?”

“Yes, that one is why this is all happening. He can’t control himself, but his partner is strong. His partner is who is doing this. Sebastian Michaelis** is strong. You took Ciel** into the army.  You didn’t mean it, but Sebastian is furious so he’s destroying the army for revenge.

“Destroying the army ? Over Ciel being controlled? He really is a demon.”

“Mokamu,” Calais started. “It’s only Ciel left now.” Just as she spoke those words Sebastian appeared, looking angry. “Don’t you just love what I’ve done with them, Mokamu? All because you aim to control every single  f--king*** changer!”

“Sebastian, calm down.”

“I will not calm down until Mokamu agrees to let Ciel go. I’ll restore the army if I can have Kanari’s soul.”

“No! I care about her more than I care about the entire army!”                                                                         

“Are you sure? You changed when you took over hell. Do you still care that much about her? Or does the army come first now?”

“You’re not having her soul!”

“You have one hour.” Sebastian disappeared and Mokamu fell to his knees,  sobbing.

“Bring her.” Kanari appeared and immediately noticed Mokamu who was kneeling on the ground.

“Mo-kun? What’s wrong?”

“He’s making me choose, between you and the army.”

“Well what are you going to do?”

“I’m sorry, Kanari…” Kanari noticed the tone in his voice.

“You’re not going to let him kill me are you?!”

“I might not have a choice.”

“Not have a choice?! I thought you loved me!”

“I do! But the army…”

“Can’t you comprise?”

“Bring Sebastian back.” Sebastian appeared, his eyes glowing pink. “Sebastian, you can’t have Kanari but you can have…5 changers.”



“Ok, I pick, Bray, Mair, him, him and her.” Sebastian grinned, pointing the changers as they woke. Eventually all the changers had woken. Mokamu hid the fact that he didn’t want Bray and Mair to die, but he had no choice. He wanted Kanari, he wanted the army. He got what he want. He was losing the two best changers in the army, but he had already made the deal. There was no turning back now. The army would never be the same without them. What could he do?

* changers are a species that can change to any species you can think of, making them the strongest species around

** Sebastian Michaelis & Ciel Phantomhive are from Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) and belong to Yana Toboso. Also, there is a little Ciel x Sebastian here. Also, Ciel is a changer*.

***Yes, Sebastian swore. Couldn’t resist, it suited the moment. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2012 ⏰

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