Chapter One: The Ignorance of Humans

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 The bliss of ignorance, it's very amusing right?

  The amazing thing about humans are their blatant ignorance towards things they do not understand. One thing is for certain they do not understand me or my family.

  I am the girl of fire. My name is Maka Aikawa. I am a monster as people would like to call me, you could say i am the wolf on fire. My story is very complex, but someone needs to know what happened in the Aikawa legacy.

Being only sixteen and being forced to live on my own, fend for myself, is tough. Though the lifestyle, by which I live by, is a bit hectic, I find the time to sit down and think about my past. More often than not. I may have a small and neat apartment, but once I get into my "blank state", as my best friend calls it, I am in a world where the limits do not exist.

The blank state that I get into always goes to that memory. The memory brings back emotions of frustration, happiness, and yet a bit of disturbance.

It all starts off when i was a small girl, living a normal life, being a wolf. I am not the wolf you would think, i am a wolf that lurks in the shadows. You might be thinking about my form being the wild dog, but i am shaped the way you humans are like. I had just got into the village, where I used to live, and I had seen my best friends, Tsubaki Kagame and Kero Tsubasa.

The town was very busy, with adult women holding their young within their arms and guards roamed the streets, weapon in hand. I had always looked up to people and wondered how they lived a life without having a lot of money. Being the 5 year old that I was, I always tried to help out people as best I could. Whether it be, tending to the garden or feeding the people who were less fortunate than me. I was looking around and stumbled upon a lady who looked like she needed assistance, but I quickly got taken down by a child with pigtails that go down to her chest, bright blue eyes, a facial structure that was semi chubby, a burgundy dress with a small apron in front, and a stuffed teddy bear in her hands.

"Maka! You came back into town!" The girl yelled excitedly.

"Well of course! Tsubaki, I would not miss a day to see you and Kero if I had the choice!"

A young boy came running up, looking irritated.

"Tsubaki how many times have I told you, you arent supposed to tackle Maka like that!"

"Oh come on! I haven't seen her in foreverrr! Give me a break!" Tsubaki said while pouting, slinking off me so I could stand.

"Even if you haven't seen her in forever you can't just tackle her to the ground like that!" Kero scolded, crossing his arms at his chest.

"Alright... but I still don't see why I can't hug my best friend to the ground..."

I giggled and hugged Tsubaki softly yet firmly, as if I were letting her know that it was alright, even though I didn't speak.

We played for several hours until my brother Kotaru, came to pick me up. Kotaru had the softest yet strangest look I have ever seen on him. To this day, I have never seen Kotaru look at me that kindly. His eyes were like pillows, fluffy yet soft. His facial expression was warm, a light smile. Besides his dark look, with his pale skin and his hair covering his right eye. He looked harsh and broken, but on the inside at that exact moment, he had something get lifted off him.
After I had said goodbye to Kero and Tsubaki, my brother decided to teach me how to move along trees. He was fairly great at jumping from tree to tree, but the most terrifying thing for me, was the heights. The trees that my brother climb are very big for my small body to even think about climbing. Sure enough, my five year old brain, decided it would be a great idea to attempt this.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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