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After college was done, I was exhausted and all I wanted to do is cuddle with my long term boyfriend, Brennen. I arrived home and right before I even opened the door I over hear jake and brennen talking

"What's wrong you look sad or something" jake says

"I'm annoyed because (y/n)" brennen says then he pauses

Before he can say anything else I pull my phone out and start recording in voice memos

"She sometimes gets too clingy you know she always wants to do everything together and cuddle I sometimes feel relieved that she has to go to dance class so I can time for myself" he says

I just couldn't just stay here tears were brimming my eyes, so I decided to hop back into my car and drive to the beach, a place that relaxes me.

I sat in sand just looking out in the distance trying to clear my mind, but I can't all I could do is think back and hear the words that he said.

But I tried to not to think of it and listen to the wave crash helped clear my mind, that was until I heard my phone ring and to my surprise it was brennen. Before I answer I clear my throat

"Babe where are you? Dance practice ended a while ago I miss you" he says right as I answered the phone, ha! and I'm the clingy one.

"I decided to take a little trip to the beach I haven't been here a while" I tell trying so hard not to sound sad "I'll be home soon"

"Ok love you" he says before he hangs up, I sit their enjoying the view the stars and moon shining seeing the reflection on the water it was just beautiful l, but now it was time to go back.

Now this time around I'm going to try and be less "clingy" hoping it doesn't really affect our relationship cause of this.

When I got home that's when the torture happens

"So how was the beach?" Brennen says plopping onto the couch with Kobe following close behind him

"It was so beautiful" I say as I put my shoes in the closet

"Cmon sit down so we cuddle and watch a movie" he says patting on the spot next to him

It's a trap! He wants to cuddle just so later he whines about it.

"I'm actually really exhausted I'm going to sleep" I say heading to the room

"Ok I'll be up in just sec then" he says

Ugh this is going to be awful

—Brennen's pov—

It's been a couple of days and it seems that (y/n) been a little distant. It makes me feel like she'll break up with me soon and that's not what i want at all even after those things I told jake about her, which was just me having a bad day.

So I'll just wait for her to get home so we could talk it through calmly


I hear her parking in the parking lot and I'm getting anxious so I'll just act normal.

—y/n pov—

I was walking through the door and see him on the couch on his computer I put my shoes away and sit on the couch awkwardly on my phone until he spoke up

"Y/n we need to talk" he says closing his laptop and facing me, I swallow hard feeling he might break up with me.

This is all a mess

"I want to know if you want to break up because I can't handle this distance between us" he says in a serious tone

"What no I don't want to break up! Why would you think that" I said shocked

"Then why the hell are you so distant you can't go from loving me to this in the snap of the fingers" he says angrily

"I'm not the one who should be hurt" I told him

"oh really why is that?" He said giving me attitude, I take my phone out to show him the voice memo

"Oh so now you're on your phone" he says standing up, I stand up also and hand him my phone playing the memo his face softens

"Baby I'm sorry" he said as he walks forward towards me "can I make it up to you, we can cuddle and watch movies" he said giving me the puppy dog eyes and I just gave in

I love him too much to say no

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