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”Mommy, can I sleep in your bed tonight?”

Dinah snuggled closer on the couch, pressing her face against Normani’s side, to avoid seeing how she reacted. She knew mommy wouldn’t be mad at her for asking, even if she didn’t say yes, but it was hard to remember sometimes. Normani’s hand, which had until now been combing softly through Dinah’s blonde locks, tugged gently on it, to pull her out from where she was squashing her nose into her soft tummy. Her warm hand cupped Dinah’s chin, to make her look up at her face.

“You know I have to get up early, right? Much earlier than you.” Dinah nodded shyly. It didn’t matter. “Then of course you can, baby. But you need to be good and go to sleep straight away after the movie finishes. We both have to be ready for a long day, and if you’re getting up earlier you need to go to sleep earlier. That’s the rule. Little girls get grumpy when they don’t sleep enough.”

The blonde considered protesting for about half a second, before giving it up as a lost cause. She mourned her bedtime stories, but it was worth it.

It was getting to one of the best places in the movie, and Dinah shuffled around to face the TV again. Mulan was getting to the palace and it was really exciting. (And a little Scary. Everything with the Huns was scary)

“Do you want your paci?” Normani was holding her close on her lap, and was doing something on her phone, because she said she’d watched the movie too many times already. Dinah didn’t really understand how you could watch a good movie too many times, but as long as Normani stayed even though she didn’t like the movie, that was alright too. It even made her chest tingle a little, because that had to mean she stayed just for Dinah.

The taller girl nodded.

She’d like her plushie stitch too, but she didn’t want to get up for it, and she didn’t want mommy to move. Normani stretched over her, to pick up the pacifier from the table. They’d put it away when they got out the snacks, but that had been way back when Mulan was at the training camp. She opened her mouth for the pacifier, when mommy prodded her.

She felt better when she could time her sucking with her heartbeat. It was loud in her ear, from where it was pressed against mommy’s hip, and she pretended it was her heartbeat too. Mulan was trapped alone with the Hun.

The little gasp that escaped Dinah as he came up through the roof was choked around her paci, but mommy made a soothing sound and pulled the blanket around them closer over Dinah’s shoulders, and she wasn’t that scared.

She wet her pull-up without thinking, after it was all over and Mulan had saved China, probably because she'd stopped tensing up and relaxed, but probably also just because she needed to pee, and she knew it was safe and mommy wouldn’t mind.

Mulan went home to her mommy and daddy. Dinah kind of wanted her Mama to hug her too, but Ally was doing important stuff and she was getting to sleep with mommy, so it was okay.

Normani stopped the movie and helped her sit up. It was cold and Dinah couldn’t help but whine a little bit, but mommy just chuckled and told her it was because she was tired. Dinah proved that point by yawning so big that her pacifier fell out and onto the blanket. She left it there, because she wasn’t allowed to sleep with it anyway, because mommy said it hurt her teeth when she sucked it for too long.

Mommy lifted her up on her feet by the armpits. She was really strong.

“Ok, honey, let’s get you changed into a diaper and ready for bed. Can you brush your teeth on your own, or would you like my help?”

“Want you, mommy.” Dinah mumbled, rubbing her eyes. It was like being removed from her cocoon of warmth and coziness had made her doubly tired.

“That’s fine. Go choose the pajamas you’d like from the closet, and I’ll get things ready in the bathroom.”

Dinah shuffled over to the bedroom closet. They kept her PJs for when she was little in mommy’s closet, because that was where she mostly slept when she used it, but also because the younger girl kept forgetting to clean her room, and she didn’t want any of the other adults to see it and make fun of her.

Mama said they wouldn’t, and she was in charge so maybe she was right, but still. Sometimes she wanted to show her plushies and toys to Camila and Lauren, but she never worked up the courage when she was big, and when she was little it was too much of a decision. Mommy and mama made the decisions then.

She didn’t mind deciding things like what PJs she wanted though - the ones with happy foxes and tiny trees and rocks with smiling faces this time. She smushed her face into them and inhaled. They were soft and smelled like Normani’s washing powder, because she never used the generic one that was available in the common washer room. By tomorrow they’d smell like baby powder and sleep and Dinah, which was alright too, but she liked them best when they smelled like mommy.

“Dj? Are you lost in there?” Normani called from the bathroom. Dinah jumped a bit, almost asleep on her feet.

The night routine was easy. It had been awkward back when they started, when Dinah still sometimes got big in the middle of everything, because she was nervous or insecure, but she was very little right now, and she trusted mommy to take care of everything. Mommy held her head in place with a hand on her neck, and she kept her tongue from trailing the toothbrush, even though it wanted to. She lay still without fidgeting, as mommy helped her out of the pull-up. She relaxed as she was cleaned up, and giggled when Normani tickled her tummy over the edge of the new diaper. She lifted her arms and legs for the pajamas when she was told to and kept her hands on Normani’s shoulders for balance as the bottoms where pulled over her feet. And then she was ready to sleep.

Mommy put her into the bed and got her plushie stitch from the closet too. He’d never gotten a name other than that, because she’d gotten him from a family not long before she’d left California. They’d insisted she pick a plushie out, and she’d been determined not to get attached (to them, or the plushie), and had purposely gone for the least cute one she could find. She’d apologized to stitch about saying he wasn’t cute a lot since then.

Normani left for a little while to change too, but was back before Dinah really missed her, being busy saying hi to stitch and telling him about the movie. She shut the light off, but let the door into the bathroom stay ajar, so the light from there got into the bedroom.

They both shuffled around a bit as she got into the bed, mommy trying to get comfortable and Dinah trying to get to her. In the end, they were cuddling close to each other, the stuffed animal a little squashed between them.

“Goodnight, Dinah.” Normani said, and kissed her forehead.

“G'night, mommy.”

A/N:I love norminah and little!dinah so this was bound to happen fjsk. What ships (other than camren) would you like in my next one shot?

love you guys <3

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