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She gently pushed the door open and walked outside and covered her mouth with her scarf and pulled her jacket over herself to better protect her from the snow that was gently falling around her. She walked quickly down to the end the sidewalk and slumped down and pulled out her phone. “Hey……I’m at school and I wanna be picked up. Could you come here asap plz?” *Sent to: My Boo at 9:54 PM* She turned off her phone and put it back in her pocket, sighed, crossed her arms, and waited. She sat alone as snow continued to steadily fall around her. She wasn’t completely alone however. Off to her right about 30 yards to her right were a group of boys sat outside the school, and could be seen and heard drinking and talking loudly. They weren’t loud enough however to be bothersome to her, and she could sit alone with her thoughts without being interrupted. Although, her mind was blank and she had no thoughts to be alone with. She simply sat there, getting colder and colder. Out of curiosity, she reached up and touched the tip of her nose. Which felt shockingly colder than she had expected. She felt her ears and found them to be surprisingly colder than she thought as well. So, she tried to warm her face up which didn’t work because her hands were also cold. She hadn’t come prepared to deal with snow and cold weather. As a matter of fact, no one had.  It was the middle of October and trees were just starting to lose their leaves.  It had been a cooler day and a chillier evening, but no one expected snow. “Hey, what’s little miss blondie doing all over here by her lonesome?!” Came the exclamation of one of the boys who had decided to take an interest in the girl sitting alone. He shouted just loud enough to grab her attention and make her look over to see what was going on. As she turned her head, she saw a posy of about 6 boys advancing towards her. And it was obvious they were coming for her, because no one else was outside except for her, and the boys. Not knowing what to do or having any idea what was going to happen, she stayed put and didn’t move. They began to laugh and point as they got closer, and pushing each other towards the girl and snickering to themselves. Becoming more worried, she stood up and took a step back. “Aww now don’t worry blondie, we just comin’ over to say hiya” One of the boys said, obviously kidding and with other plans in place. “…..” She didn’t respond and simply looked at and observing them. “Well, aren’t ya gonna say hi back? You're awfully rude” One of the other boys piped up, but he seemed to speak sluggishly, like he couldn’t quite grasp what he was saying. “Wait I know, we’ll give ya the drink THEN we’ll fuck ya, ya that was it” He continued as he walked slowly towards her, hiccupping and offering her the bottle which he’d been drinking out of. She however could get a good look at the label on the bottle that read “Jack Daniels Tennessee whisky” “Umm…..Ya no thanks I’m good…” She responded shyly, slowly pushing the bottle back to the boy that had offered it to her. The boy who originally came up to her first spoke up again. “Look here blondie, we just wanna have a little fun with ya, we got a nice place at the back of the school we wanna show ya…..” They all continued slowly to make their way closer to her, forcing her to walk backwards. She continued back until she stepped off the curb and without having any time to react, fell. *Thump*Her heart stopped as she felt herself fall into the chest of a boy and a pair of arms quickly wrapped themselves around her stomach. “You guys gonna leave her alone or am I gonna have to call the cops?!” Came the firm threat of the person whom he girl had just fallen into.  She looked up to see who was holding her, and her heart started again when she saw who it was. Her boyfriend stood above her, holding her, and firmly glaring at the posy of boys who had stopped in their tracks. “Look man, we just wanna have a little fun with blondie here, no need to take it so seriously, it’s just a joke man, we're gonna leave but it was just a joke” One of the boys responded as they backed off and headed elsewhere. “Oh my god” The girl whispered as she took a breath for the first time in about 10 seconds. “Are you alright? What happened? Don’t tell me they hurt you…” Came the hurried questions and concerns of her boyfriend. “Yes I’m 100% ok thanks to you” She said as she quickly shot up and threw herself into his arms. “……Thank god you came when you did or……. I…….” Her voice trailed off as she began to choke and tear up.  “Ya I’m glad I came when I did too. You're gonna be ok, I’m here and I got you. No one’s gonna hurt my baby girl, you’re ok” He said softly with a loving tone as he held her tightly. After a few moments of peaceful silence and occasional phrases of reassurance she pulled herself out of his embrace and grabbed his hand. “Let’s get out of here already” She said smiling, now in a much better mood. One look at her, and he found himself smiling helplessly as well. “How about a pumpkin spice latte? My treat” He offered as her face absolutely lit up in excitement. “Yes!!!!! Oh my god yes yes yes please!!!!” She exclaimed excitedly, clapping her hands together and jumping in the air. “Haha alright let’s go” He replied happily as he took her hand and lead her to his car

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