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Dear Jane

While I am out here, praying, hoping to come home soon. Strangest thing is all I can think of is you. Seeing death and suffering all this madness guess reason I haven’t gone insane is because I still have the memories of all the times we shared. I still remember the day we met... That cool crisp summer night. I was in town visiting the art gala that your art was being displayed in it. Such lovely pieces of art I don’t know why you didn’t like it maybe because you’re new at that big of a show or you didn’t think you were good enough. But when I saw you I knew I had to just meet you and when I did. Man I was lucky haha... You looked amazing that night. Then the following day we went to that restaurant man I remember it detail for detail. But I only have so much to write on I will write you when I can.


William Graves

September 21 2013 ….War Breaks Out

The Nazis have returned.

          “Where is our relief?” I hear in a faint whisper.

“Shh keep your head down and keep quiet!”

Suddenly a high pitch screech, then the earth around me explodes and guns open up. I hear cries of my friends as they are either shot or blown apart. I try to get up and fight but I realize half my body is covered in dirt. I manage to un bury myself and grab my rifle and start to fight. But while I was digging myself out we had managed to ward off the attackers. All you can see is dead people and craters everywhere.

October 05 2013

          “Being on patrol is a demeaning task. We could be out there fighting Fritz”

One of the men behind says out loud.

“Silence” platoon leader yells in a whisper.

*Sound of gun loading*

Everyone drops into cover...

“They are all around us sir” I whisper across to the sergeant.

One of the guys stands up there is a bang and he dropped right back down….But without a breath.

“Offense Feuer” I hear yelled from the bushes and all of a sudden bullets are flying all over.

“RETURN FIRE!!!!” The sarge yells.

We fire back and then we use the bush behind us as cover. In the distance hear tank treads and we pray that it’s friendly….. Then where the sergeant was lights up in flames the tank has spotted his hiding area.

“We can’t return to camp it’s been overrun our next safe place is about 3 days walk from here.” Private Kolwaski says as he hands me the map.

“Let’s get all who’s left and head there” I exclaimed.

All that was left of us which was only five leave. We head out sleeping in the day moving at night. Dodging patrols and when we arrive at the encampment no one is there it’s deserted.

“Split up and search for supplies” I command them.

Out of nowhere comes a huge bang. And screaming.

We all run over to see Jackson lying on the ground in without his legs.

“Go leave without me they will soon be here” he yells at us.

“No man left behind!” I say in a gasp to him.

“It isn’t your choice. Go!”

We all turn and begin to run away as he fades away……..

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2014 ⏰

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