Chapter one: The beginning of a new start

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I hum as I flip the eggs into my black pan. I hear them sizzle and I step away for a moment and put my long brown hair into a messy bun and continue back to my cooking. I look out my window as I see a blue jay swoop in and gets its daily meal. I go back to my pan and I flip the egg again. I carefully grab another egg and hit it on the side of my white counter and press my finger against the shell of the egg as the yoke falls into the pan. I pull out 4 plates and set them out on our brown table. I put the eggs onto each plate, and start the bacon. Soon I get 2 cups of coffee made and 2 cups of orange juice. I set them next to each plate as bacon smell fills the air. I flip them again and I see that they are ready, so I put them on the plates. 

I clear my throat and yell. "Breakfast is ready!" 

A few seconds later I see two of my kids running in. Star, my daughter is the first one to clime into her chair. "Thank you mommy!" She says as she bites into her bacon.

Then follows moon. Star and moon. They are 2 and half years apart. Moon being the oldest. 8 and Star is 6. Moon hops into the chair next to her and starts eating his egg. "mhhm." He agrees with Star in between bites. Soon my husband Matthew comes walking in from upstairs. "You didnt have to cook." He says with a chuckle as he kisses me on my forehead. 

"No. Its fine. I dont do it too much, but I felt like it today." I sat with a smile and Matt takes his seat and I join. 

Soon I hear a complaint. 

"Mommy! Star took my Bacon!" Moon explains.

"He started it!" Star whines. 

"Come on kids! Theirs more than enough food. You probably wont even finish it." Matt says as he ruffles up Moons chocolate brown hair. I smile at them as they mess around. I am here. And I wouldnt want to be anywhere else. Im with my family now.  Im finally happy.... I snap back to my surroundings as a piece of bacon is thrown across the table and lands almost on my plate. 

"Really? You guys where just complaining how you don't have any bacon." I say.

"Better on the table than in Stars mouth." Moon mumbles.

"Hey!" Star says and sticks her tongue out at him. 

"Alright. That's enough. Go put your plates on the counter. It looks like you wont eat anymore." Matt explains. 

"Fine...." Star mumbles as she jumps down her chair and puts it on the counter, and Moon follows as they head up into their room. I smile at them as I finish up the last of my egg. 

"We're so lucky to have them." Matt says as he smiles at me. 

"Yes we are." I say and smile back. I love them all so much. They are my everything. They are my world. What would I do with out them? I stand up and collect Matt's and I's plates and I start doing the dishes. Matt comes behind me and holds me tight as we swing side to side. His body warming up mine. His heart beat peaceful at the same rate. I smile. I could never be happier. 

----2 years later----

The pounding hard rain is weighing me down. All I can see are trees ahead. My legs are burning as I try to run faster and faster. I have to keep going. I have to keep going. I have to live another day. To keep my precious kids safe. Its the only thing keeping me going. At least they are in the safe arms of Matt. A tree branch hits my arm, shooting pain up my arm. I realize that its bleeding. I try my best to keep on running even though my legs feel like they are going to break and give up at any moment. I see a log has fallen a few feet ahead. I try my best to jump over it but my leg get caught and I hit the hard ground. I try to get up but my legs feel like jello. I look behind me and see the same guy who tried to come into my house. A black mask is covering his face. I try to get back up and I see a needle is in his hand. 

"No, no no no!" I yell, hoping some one will hear me. But the rain is the only thing I can hear. I scurry back up and when he gets close enough, I kick him in the leg, he grunts and that gives me time to get on my feet. But he quickly recovers and put his arm around my neck. I try my best to bite down on his arm. Blood fills my mouth and I feel him flinch but he gives a even harder grip. I scream and kick, trying to do something. Just then I feel something prickle my arm. The needle. I feel myself get weak. I kick him as hard as I can, trying to use all of my strength. Im let go of his reach and I try to run away but I just fall to the ground. Everything is fuzzy. I kick and scurry as I feel myself being picked up into his arms. I try to yell but only a pathetic noise comes out my mouth. I feel dizzy and I whisper. "No..." Just as everything turned black.


Hope you like my new story! I deleted the other one because I changed my mind and wanted to do a horror story! Its a short chapter because its a new book. Ill try my best to update!

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