Chapter 1: Interview

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Hey guys. This probably won't turn out that well but I'll try my best. This is different from the writing style I usually stick to but I'll make it work.

Every character isn't gonna be tough like they are in game. Their walls will be let down so they're gonna show a lot of emotion.

I hope you guys like this!.
Ruin P.O.V

I pace back and forth outside of the Interview room. Sure I seem tough but I've always hated interviews. I mean, who doesn't? Outrider doesn't, Nomad doesn't and even Reaper doesn't. I'm not sure about the others though.

"Come in!" Blackjack shouts.

Taking a deep breath, I walk in the tall blue double doors. My hands start shaking a bit. I take slow deep breaths and sit in the chair.

"Welcome Ruin," Blackjack calmly says.

"Thanks for having me here," I respond.

"Okay so today I'll just be asking a few questions then you can answer them in as much or as little, although I do prefer more detail. I won't push you to answer things you don't want to." Blackjack says as he gets up and grabs be a glass of water.

I just nod, taking a sip of the water.

"Alright then, first question. What was your childhood like?"

"My childhood hmm.. Well it was quite good honestly. I had alot of friends. I was the sporty type, mostly played sports like Rugby and soccer." I smile, remembering my past.

"That sounds fun." Blackjack says, writing some things down.

"Yeah.. It was." I feel calmer now which makes me happier.

"Anything else you want to add?" He nods.

"Not really, I had good friends, never dated back then, school was fine. So I think that's all" I play around with the belt to my armor.

"Alright then, how about your parents? How was your relationship with them?"

"My parents? Well.. My dad and I weren't that close. Honestly, we weren't that close at all. I shouldn't even call him dad. He hated me, I wasn't a son to him.. I was a stranger. When my mum was around he'd act like I was everything he'd want in a son. He acted like he loved me, he'd smile at me, buy me things but When we were alone, he'd hit me, curse at me burn my things. He would break things and blame me for it. I always loved him though. I never gave up on him, I always thought one day, he'd realize his mistakes and want my forgiveness. I realized after a few years, that was never going to happen, I started hating him," By now I was filled with anger.
I wanted to punch something. But there was a voice in my head, calming me down which I was thankful for.

"I'm sorry for all of that," Blackjack's eyes held sympathy.

"It's okay, you don't need to be sorry. That bastard is gone anyways" I smirk a little.

Blackjacks eyes widen but he doesn't say anything to my comment

"..okay. How about your mother? How was your relationship with her?"

"My mum? Oh she was the best. I was so close to her. She was like my sister, I could tell her anything. She stayed by my side no matter what. I could say that I murdered someone and she would still have my back. I'd make so many mistakes and she'd stay by my side. I loved her so much. But s..she died when I was 15 in a car crash, I wouldn't eat for weeks. A part of me died when she died. I changed, she's the reason for who I am today." I smile, a stray tear left my eye. I wipe it with my arm.

"Wow...that was...something," he slowly nods his head.

"Yeah.. I miss her," I frown slightly. I want her by my side now.


Alright guys! Here's the first chapter. I hope you like it. I doubt that there will be a lot of chapters per book so if that's only 1-4 chapters for this character then I'll add all of the other characters into this book too.

Sorry that it was short. Felt like if I added more then I wouldn't have enough questions for other chapters.

I think I might add flashbacks into this. What do y'all think? Like a whole chapter for a flashback into Ruins past. That'd be cool.

Okay peace out

~Someone ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2016 ⏰

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