A Final Breath

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"DON'T HURT HER, IM GOING TO BE THE ONE THAT KILLS HER!!!!!!!! IT HAS TO BE ME!!!!!!!!!! JUST DON'T LET ER' DIE!!!!!!!!!!!" She shouted, running to where Scootaloo now resided.
She was thrown on the first stage of the device. The cyan mare walked down the hallway pleased with the filly nearing her demise. Each one of her Amber hooves were connected to the chains meant to break her, shattering her bones making her unable to move. Tears streamed down her face, shaking in fear.
"Any last words you worthless excuse of a foal?!"
"You have beautiful eyes." She responded. As if her final words were her last breath.
"Pathetic, you can't even insult me when you're about to die!" She shouted, pushing the black metal lever of the Pegasus device, getting a crimson stain on the pitch black, metal handle.
The chains pulled her upwards, stopping right above the Pegasus device. Twisting, snapping and breaking her bones, she tried to scream but she was already too weak, to weakened to move, to weakened to talk.
All she could feel was pain.
While, Rainbow Dash laughed at her in bittersweet victory.
Then she found the ability to speak, in a whisper shout though. "CELESTIA PLEASE WHY!!!?!?!?!??!!?!?????!!!!" It was all she could say to express her extreme terror.
It disappeared from the point where she was dropped.
This would be her last moments in the air, she had wished she had taken another turn, not've risked her life, going through the vent was her undoing, if she hadn't, she may be free right now.
Then she smacked into the device with maximum force.
Rainbow stood on the brimming, a smile on her face as her hair covered most of it, as Scootaloo was slowly dying.
"HA HA MWAHHHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!" She laughed, grabbing, Scootaloo's already shattered hooves.
You could hear Scootaloo's shattered bones crush as she tried to pull away, but she couldn't move her hooves, her connection to move them was broken.
She ripped off a blood covered feather and spoke.
"Your friends will want one piece of evidence you're dead!"
"No, please!"
"Now you're begging for mercy?! Ha! Pathetic! I knew I could get you to plead! Ha! You're so damn weak!"
She let go, dropping her to her death.
"Goodbye, you'll be missed by "some.""
She turned around to the other direction, handing Atmosphere 12 jars. "You know where to put these, and which order to put them in."
"Yes ma'am!"
"I'm telling them the "bad news!" She bursted out into laughter.

TO BE CONTINUED.....................

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