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Once upon a time there was a kitty named princess. He loves to dance. One day he went to a balarina lesion. Did you ever know that cats are cute and cuddly they're so adorable I could hug them so hard you can't admit that you get to play with them you get to cuddle with them and have so much fun. Do you ever know that cats like to poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop. One day I can love a banana but then the banana ran away. But then one day a boy kitty ninja grab the banana and ran away with it. My princess said hey that's mine you get that back now or I'll kill you. Please don't kill me please I'll give you a back okay find it now. Can I please have a banana I really wanted? No you may not. It's mine and I really like the game I'll get you one if you give it back

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2016 ⏰

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