Never Alone

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This is just a little something I thought of when trying to fall asleep one night. Nothing really special and I doubt I'll continue, but I thought I'd give it a try. (:

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I slumped in my seat, staring out of the window glumly as my dad rushed to the house for the last few boxes and my mom buckled her seat belt in the front. To my left, my annoying little sister Erica sang loudly to her iPod, making me cringe at the high parts. She continued onto the next song and I sighed, wondering how she could remain happy on such a day.

A few months ago, my parents had announced that my dad had gotten a new job, which meant we had to move. It took them a while to find a nice house, but even so, it went by way too fast. Now here we were, sitting in our car, getting ready to leave behind our home, friends... our life.

I hated how they were all so happy. My dad was eager to start his new job, my mom's eyes glittered with excitement at decorating out new home, and Erica took the opportunity to plan going shopping as a new start. What did I have to look forward to? Nothing I could think of. I sighed once more and continued looking out of the window, failing to think of something to take my mind off of what was happening.

My mom turned around in her seat, laughingly softly at my sister. Her smile faded as she looked at me. I granted her one glimpse but quickly averted my gaze. She reached out and gently took my hand. I tried to pull away, but she firmly held it.

"I know that moving is hard. Change is hard. But this doesn't have to so bad. Try to smile? At least once?"

I rolled my eyes. What did she know? It's not like moving changed her life as much as it changed mine. She worked from home! Not to mention, unlike me, she had no problem making friends. Who wanted to talk to the girl who barely talked?

My parents had hated my dramatic change. Once upon a time, I had been like me sister. Simply put, a prep. I had worn the usual A&E, Abercrombie, or Hollister clothes. My hair had been a light brown too, my brown eyes only lightly covered with makeup. My only goal in life had been to impress guys and shop. One day I realized something. What was the point of impressing everyone? I didn't like freaking out about what others thought, I didn't like struggling to be perfect, I didn't like any of it. So I had dyed my hair to a darker brown, started wearing differeny clothes, and changed my ways. My parents had hated it, of course, saying they didn't recognize who I was. Which was exactly what I wanted. To be my own person, not someone else. The change hadn't been sudden to me. I had lived a lie, always pretending to be someone else. Now, I didn't have to do that.


"It's Aly." I corrected my mom.

"Aly... Please, try to look at it in a good way. I'm not asking you to do it, I'm asking you to try. Okay?" She smiled.

"Sure." I shrugged.

My mom let go of my hand and turned back around as my dad sat behind the wheel.

I didn't mean to be angry towards her. Sometimes it just frustrated me that she didn't understand. I looked at Erica, who had momentarily stopped listening to her iPod.

"God, are you going to smile at all today?" She rolled her eyes and turned her iPod on again.

I turned to the window, looking at our house for the last time. I closed my eyes, and opened them slowly again. All of a sudden, my grandmother was there. She stood in her dress and slippers, her hair in a bun, looking confused and bewildered. My mouth dropped open. My grandmother? Yup, she was still there. The one that had died 3 years ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2010 ⏰

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