Dead end (poem)

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  • Dedicated to My broken Family.

I was young,

Free, wild and oblivious,

To all the problems to come,

To all the problems that already existed,

To the fact that I lived in a broken family. 

Now a few years older and a few years wiser,

My green eyes have opened up,

Enough to notice the state my mother gets in after a fight,

The pain in her heart when i ask for the impossible,

The worry on her face as she types the pin for the negative account.

But still everyday is another challenge,

Another piece of the puzzle to figure out what I am, who I am,

My mysterious identity isnt mysterious it's just unknown,

I don't state the facts about my life because I don't have one.

I simply dream of what every other girl dreams of,

Having money to spend on material things,

For my knight in shining armour,

For a family house where everyone is heard.

But everytime I wake up,

That dream seems further and further away,

From what it will be,

A dead end.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2012 ⏰

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