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Scott and Mitch. They had both had powers. Those powers? Well... Basically they were connected. Their heartbeat was always the same. So one could tell when the other was running, or was asleep. They had telepathy, meaning they could talk to each other without actually talking to each other. And, if one was feeling pain, the other could feel it in the exact same place at the same time. Scott could see the future, well, almost. It was always in dreams or visions and he got them very rarely. Mitch could see the past, in dreams and visions, too, and just like Scott, they happened very rarely. 

Scott had super speed, and super strength. While Mitch could manipulate anything and everything as well as telekinesis. But, there always had to be a kink in the plan. 

There were days every once in a while, where one would loose their powers. The period of time that they were powerless ranged from 12 hours to a week. There was never a time when both of the boys were powerless. Thank God for that. 

Scott and Mitch were best friends. Their mothers has been best friends, so of course, when Mitch was born, a year after Scott, the two boys became friends. It wasn't until August 20th, just after Mitch turned five and just before Scott turned six, that they found their powers. Together, they learned about their powers. 

One day, Scott was out with Kirstin, their other friend. Mitch was at home cleaning and doing his usual thing. Scott was actually buying him a promise ring, to show his *uhm* love, for Mitch. Ah yes, Scott was in fact, in love with the small male. And well, Scott knew Mitch felt the same, but was too scared to say anything. How Scott knew? Well, first of all, the heart rate gave him a hint, and secondly, Scott may or may not have had a vision of them doing the uh... The *uhm* nasty, and then saying "I Love You" after they were done... Y'know, goin at it. 

Scott and Kirstin were leaving the busy mall when Scott's heart rate sped up in 0.00001 seconds. That was the first sign something was wrong. Scott tried to get through to Mitch. 

Mitch?! What's going on? Why'd your heart rate speed up? Are you okay?


Gone. As soon as Mitch cut off, Scott felt a sharp pain in his head, then his stomach. 

"Mitch should be able to fight them off- OH WAIT!" Scott exclaimed, "this must be- oh no... Oh no oh no... Mitch's powers must be out! SHIT! Kirstie, I'm sorry but I need to go!" 

"Scott Richard Hoying! Do not apologize! Go fucking save him right now." Kirstin demanded before Scott sped off towards his home. He found the door opened, so he cautiously walked inside. 

Scott gasped before covering his mouth. Mitch was pinned against the wall by a tall, strong man.  But, not as strong as Scott. In less than a second the tall man was on the ground unconscious. Mitch was on the ground, too, except he was still conscious. 

Scott was immediately by Mitch's side, helping him off the ground. 

"Do you know who he is?" Scott asked, setting Mitch on the counter to treat the wounds inflicted upon his beautiful face and body. 

Mitch could only nod, crying.

Who is he? 

Xavier, the guy who liked me in high school. I guess he found me and wanted to get revenge for me rejecting him.

Oh Mitchie... Sweetie, let's get you cleaned up and then I'll deal with him, okay? 


So Scott cleaned Mitch up before carrying him to Scott's bedroom. 

"My bed is more comfortable, rest for a bit while I deal with Xavier." Scott whispered to the drowsy boy who lay in his bed. Mitch nodded, closing his eyes. 

As Mitch slept, Scott went and took the body to an Alleyway far away. He left a note for the man to find when he woke up.


Yeah thanks for hurting Mitch. Just because he rejected you, FOUR years ago, doesn't mean you can try and harm him. Sorry (not sorry) if you hurt, I had to knock you out to protect Mitch. Please never comeback or I'll have to do something extreme. And I don't really feel like hiding a body ;) Goodbye! 

                                                                                                                        -Scott, Mitch's boyfriend ;)

Yes, Scott put boyfriend, got a problem? No, you don't. But, Mitch was about to become his boyfriend so he's not lying.

When Scott got home, he found Mitch asleep. Scott ordered pizza and went to wake the sleeping boy. The pizza arrived soon after Mitch awoke. The two bestfriends ate in Scott's bed, watching SpongeBob. 

"Mitchie, I have something for you..." Scott said getting the ring out, "I have a huge crush on you and I know you like me two because I had a vision so I got you think promise ring... So will you be my boyfriend?" 

"Scott! Yes! Of course I will!" Mitch cheered gleefully. Scott slipped the ring on his finger. 

Basically, a few months later the vision came true and yeah, they got married in the end and lived a happy life!

The End! 


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