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I'm sitting here alone in my bedroom. Endless possibilities await me, all I have to do is use my imagination. Suddenly my fingers take charge and I start writing, creativity and pure imagination flow through me and out into the computer taking the form of a piece of writing. The music I listen to is influencing me, changing an unfought war in the deep recesses of my mind, where will it be set? The U.K, Sweden or America? as I finally decide on a setting ( America, if you are wondering) characters form, blurry at first but being defined slowly as if a camera is focusing on them. Private John Sanders of the 25th Infantry brigade. The rest of his unit is as follows: Sergeant Coleman, Private Malkovic and Private Philips. Interesting this is the 133rd word. I'm not sure if I should carry on with this or do it in chapters. Music is blaring in my ears again, I really like A day to remember they are one of the main inspirations of why I sing. Oh did I not mention I sing? Oops sorry! Well this is going off on a bit of tangent so I think i'll leave it here for the evening. Thanks for maybe paying a small piece of your time of your life to read this, although I fear most people think that I'm talking a load of drivel and that I am insane. The second part is true! goodbye unknown participant X ( thats you!) and I'll see you in the next installment of this weirdly wonderful piece of writing.

P.S: From now on I shall refer to you, the reader, as Unknown Participant X because this is experimental.

P.P.S: My name is Elliot. Whats yours? oh wait...  goodbye my friend! Adios!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2013 ⏰

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