The Gift

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The Voraxian Hunger fleet were in high orbit above Earth, 100 ships, each with a crew of 100 shark men, ready to descend on the bright blue marble below, to invade, overwhelm and feed on the population, as they had done on a thousand worlds before. On the lead ships bridge, Captain G'Krill was broadcasting a message on all known Terran frequencies.

"Peoples of Earth! You will obey the following directive surrender yourselves unto us, that we may subjugate you and in turn, feed the mighty Voraxian Hunger Fleet. What say you?"

SIlence apart from a hiss on the comms system then a one word reply:  "No"

G'Krill  replied "Excuse me?"

"I said no" The alien captain looked at his comms officer in disbelief "On screen" An image flickered into life. it was the earth, and in a holding pattern above, a small , blue box. The voice continued "Right where was i? Oh, Yes that's it. You want the people of Earth to yield so you can begin your feeding blitz, right?" G'Krill grinned, displaying row after row of blood stained teeth."That is correct" More silence. Then- "Well in that case, on the behalf of the people of this planet we refuse your demands! I .Have .Spoken." With that sentence the whole crew started laughing loudly. " Laughing. Hmm , pretty sure that's rude. Now i really will have to stop you, fishface"

G'Krill glared at the crew and the laughing stopped. "Who are you that dares to threaten ME?" The captain roared. "Me? on this world (and a few more) they call me The Doctor". The Voraxian felt his mouth go dry. "That's me. Or if you prefer, The Oncoming Storm"

The Doctor flipped his monitor screen to external view , just in time to see 100 warships turn away in perfect formation, and retreat. He smiled and said to himself "SO.. that's what River meant"

 He began to flip switches and prepare himself for where the old girl would take him next. Then the phone rang.

"Just bring them back safe"

The last words he'd said to the Doctor, Before his son and wife stepped into that blue box of his, and vanished, off to see new worlds, history and save vast civilizations from terrible, terrible threats. With the TARDIS being a time machine as well, he fully expected them back five minutes later.

They never returned

It was a week later, when the man claiming to be his Grandson arrived with the letter from his son that explained everything. The letter that ripped his whole world apart.

He tried to accept having a grandson older than him, he really tried, but it wasn't easy. So, he did what Rory asked of him in the letter; he was kind to him. He knew he could manage that for his son. After all, that's what dads do.

 Then, last December this old boy turned up on his doorstep. Wilfred was his name,  he preferred Wilf, though. He too, carried a letter. it was in a deep blue envelope. It was from the Doctor, explaining what happened in New York , about the Weeping Angels and how The Ponds being in the past was a fixed point in time he could never undo. When he finished reading, Brian carefully folded the letter and put it back in it;s envelope. Then the normally placid Brian Williams flew into a rage, throwing pot plants and hitting walls. Five minutes later, he dropped to his knees and wept.

Wilfred Mott Sat with him for an hour while he sobbed.


" Wilf!" Chirped the Doctor twirling round and getting tangled up in the phone lead. " How are you?" getting more tangled now. "Doing?" He stopped twirling and was now listening intently . He chewed his bottom lip then said. "Okay, okay... i'm on my way now. Yes, right now. I'll meet you at your little shed.... Bye." He leant against the console, a tear rolled down his cheek, which he wiped away. He untangled himself, and set co-ordinates. "Right then.... time to face the music.".

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