First and only part

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It was 4:00 in the morning in late October which was the time me and my friends were supposed to go on a hunting trip near a valley that was known for having quite a lot of deer around hunting season, me and my friends had all slept over my friend's friend Roland's trailer the night before. He lived in a trailer which was very small with all our sleeping bags and blankets inside it, but it was quite clean despite his living conditions. We had all packed our hunting gear before we went to Roland's, I had packed my Springfield 1903, ammo, and some food for us all to eat. We had all packed our gear into Roland's pickup truck and started to drive to a spot where we could walk to a huge hunting stand Roland had built before hunting season. He had explained it was like one of those huge hunting stands that was like a treehouse but on stilts. Once we reached the hunting stand I had noticed the place gave off a eerie and secluded feeling once we had climbed the surprisingly worn out stairs to the hunting stand we had entered and had noticed his chairs and his table had been knocked over, at the time we suspected it had to have been some small animal that was able to sneak in through a hole and had been looking for food. Once we had all organized our stuff we had set up the table so we could shoot from it. After a couple hours of waiting my friend Joji had surprisingly has spotted a deer through the thick mist that was surrounding the stand and everything around it and was about to take the shot when something we thought was a wolf at the time had grabbed the deer by it's neck and pulled into some brush, Joji had added on to the stress by saying "Damn it! I had a better shot before than I did just a second ago!" My other friend Max who had never been hunting before said "Hey, once the fog clears up we will be able to see more deer." That had calmed us down for awhile until we had heard the most blood curdling screech we had ever heard in our lives it was coming from the valley below us I came up with the idea that it was what took the deer Joji had a good shot on.

 It was starting to turn dark and we didn't have nightvision scopes, so Roland recommended that we have some dinner since we hadn't eaten all day. while we were eating we noticed it started to smell like rotten flesh we all assumed it was the dead deer Carcass that whatever it was had killed once we had finished dinner we had thrown the trash in the cooler I packed and hung it up in a nearby tree so bears couldn't get it

At around 2:00 in the morning I had heard the blood curdling scream I had heard before but with much more detail and It sounded closer, one minute later I heard the tree I had hung the cooler up fall to the ground the stench I and my Friends had smelled came back again, then I chose to wake up my friends and find the flashlight Max had packed and use it to find what had knocked over the tree and use my Springfield and kill it to keep it from causing trouble. 

Max didn't wake up so I woke up Joji, who was groggy but was willing to shine the flashlight around while I looked for what knocked down the tree. We looked from the stand just to be safe then whatever knocked down that tree darted right through the light of the flashlight, Joji had moved the flashlight over to that "monster's" hiding spot where it was hunched over eating beef jerky from the cooler. My heart was beating with fear when I moved the scope of my Springfield over to where that thing was. Joji and I were speechless. It was very thin, and it had ash gray patches of hair all over it, and where ever skin was there were scars and scabs. as Joji and I were watching this thing in horror, it had started to slowly rise up then Joji had whispered "Take the shot Ethan" in a scared voice I had pulled the trigger betting my life into the bullet that was flying towards that creature hoping it would hit,  It had but the screech I had heard was louder and more blood churning than the one before, to my and Joji's relief we heard some bushes rustle and tree branches being pushed back. I checked my phone and it said 5:30 even though it felt like fifteen minutes I hadn't heard anything else so me and Joji decided to wake Roland and Max up and tell them we all had to leave once Roland and Max woke up Roland in a very tired voice asked "What's going on? Why do we have to leave so early?" I said "We'll have to explain on the way back to your place, it's going to be a lot to compute but hopefully you get the idea of what happened." Once we got to the truck I had to explain everything, Max who happened to have native american blood told me it was probably a skin walker and that it was good that I shot at it, and that for safety measures his grandfather was going to have to perform a ritual to keep the skin walker way from us.

Max's Grandfather was very calm despite what we explained to him, He said he had to deal with one himself and that his old friend had been killed by one, and that they can change shape. He also said to stay away from that hunting stand no matter what anyone tells us.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2016 ⏰

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